Obituary Unlike Any Other

  • 11 years ago
A man who passed away in Georgia, William "Freddie" McCullough’s obituary is anything but standard.

Usually obituaries are relatively generic, listing the major accomplishments of someone’s life along with names of their surviving loved ones. A man who passed away in Georgia, William "Freddie" McCullough’s obituary is anything but standard.

The 61-year-old grandfather of Bloomingdale died on September 11th of this year and the memorable obituary with a great sense of humor was written by his son, Mark.

It pointed out some of Freddie’s likes including deep fried Southern food smothered in Cane Syrup, Little Debbie Cakes, Jim Beam, Reese’s Cups, Two and a Half Men along with beautiful women. As far as dislikes went, Freddie was said to hate vegetables and hypocrites.

The obituary chronicled the love life of Freddie noting “He attracted more women than a shoe sale at Macy's. He got married when he was 18, but it didn't last. Freddie was no quitter, however, so he gave it a shot two more times. It didn't work out with any of the wives.”

While the true cause of his death wasn’t disclosed, Mark jokingly claimed in the obituary that his father rushed into a burning orphanage to save children.
