Lebron 10 x blue diamond at kicksgrid1.ru

  • 11年前
Lebron 10 x blue diamond
This is the Lebron X (10)+ "Blue Diamond". The Lebron X (10) is the 10th anniversary of the Lebron signature line and there is much to celebrate. In 2012 Lebron James managed to win the NBA season MVP award, his first NBA Championship, NBA Finals MVP, and an Olympic Gold medal. All of that history gets infused into the Lebron X (10) model like back in 1995 when MJ hit his mark of ten signature models. This model features the newest innovations in technology and will be the most respected shoe on the court. This "Blue Diamond" edition features a unique color combination of different blues including Photo Blue, Windchill, and Tidepool Blue. Be sure to secure your pair now here with us.
