Australia's Rudd concedes defeat

  • 11 years ago
Australia's Labor party leader Kevin Rudd conceded defeat at national elections on Saturday (September 7), offering his congratulations to conservative opposition leader Tony Abbott who won a landslide victory, ending six years of turbulent Labor rule.

Labor members cheered as Rudd entered the party's post-election event, leaving the outgoing prime minister pleasantly surprised.

"Geez, I thought we lost," Rudd said to the crowd.

In his speech Rudd said he had sent his well-wishes to the incoming prime minister Tony Abbott.

Rudd also announced that he would stand down as the national Labor party leader.

Rudd, dumped by his party in mid 2010, returned as prime minister in late June in a bold bid to overturn a prolonged slump in opinion polls under Julia Gillard, Australia's first female prime minister.