Woman Forced to Wait 8 Years for Diamond Swallowed by Pet Chicken

  • 11 years ago
A 38-year-old chicken owner in Berkshire, United Kingdom is dealing with the aftermath after her domestic fowl swallowed a diamond.

Pets have an uncanny ability to swallow stuff they’re not supposed to.

A 38-year-old chicken owner in Berkshire, United Kingdom is dealing with the aftermath after her domestic fowl swallowed a diamond.

Veterinarians recently informed Claire Lennon that she will not be able to recover a nearly $500 diamond earring until her 6-month-old pet chicken named Sarah gets old and passes away.

Vets predict Sarah will live to be about 8 years of age. The jewel was given to Lennon by her boyfriend.

Although it has both monetary and sentimental value, the only way to get it out of Sarah’s stomach is to operate – a risky procedure for the chicken. Lennon can’t take the chance, as her 6-year-old daughter named Mia adores the bird and takes care of it on a daily basis.

An X-ray initially showed the diamond was lodged firmly in the gizzard, so a veterinarian gave Sarah some laxatives but the earring never came out. Follow up tests showed the jewel is firmly stuck and most likely won’t move on its own.