Dawud Wharnsby - Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad

  • vor 11 Jahren
Published on Jan 8, 2013
Campaign Page: http://SeekersWorks.org -- Please support the campaign by hosting a FeedME Concert, by collecting $10 from 10 friends, and by sharing this video with others

Dawud Wharnsby singing one of his most well-known songs, based on a true incident from the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, "Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad".


10 DOLLARS FROM 10 PEOPLE — It's a pretty simple concept. Find 10 people who will help you fight hunger in the GTA by giving you at least $10. Before you know it, you've raised $100 to fight hunger in the GTA. We need you to do this today. We also need 499 other people to do the same. Welcome to FeedME 2012.

- [More Info: http://www.SeekersWorks.org/]

1. Faith is Feeding Others: Faith in the Islamic tradition, as in almost all others, is intrinsically tied to relieving difficulties of others. "He hasn't believed, who sleeps at night being satiated while his neighbour is hungry", said our Beloved Messenger, (God bless him and give him peace).

2. Manifesting Mercy: The most effective way for us to teach others about our Beloved Messenger (God bless him and give him peace), is by mirroring him, his mercy towards everything in the universe, and his concern for the wellbeing of others, in our conduct with others.

3. Give to Receive: The Prophet (God bless him and give him peace), taught us: "Be merciful to those on the Earth, and The One Above will have mercy on you." We are in constant need of God's Mercy, one of the most effective ways of receiving Divine Mercy is by exhibiting mercy towards others.

4. The Facts: Just take a look at where things are at in our own city.
• 17% of Mississauga lives below the poverty line. That's almost 1 in 5 residents. That's 125,000 people in Mississauga alone. Almost half of these are children!
68% of food bank clients are families with children.
• For the families using food banks, 78% of their monthly income is spent on rent.
• A $5 donation feeds an adult for 10 days.
• $25 provides 100 meals to hungry children, families, and seniors. $50 provides 200 meals. $100 provides 400 meals.
• $250 covers the cost of cleaning, sorting and distributing 1 tonne (2,000 lbs) of food to the hungry.
• $500 provides distribution of 7-10 days of nutritious food each month to a family of four for one year.

- [More Info: http://www.SeekersWorks.org/]

1. Focus on the positive, and on how much their contribution can help.
2. Smile. Genuinely and sincerely. People are much more responsive to being approached with a positive disposition.
3. Be confident — you're not asking for yourself. You are providing people with a powerful opportunity to get closer to God by helping those in need.
4. Share your success of how far we've already come.

And most importantly,

5. Ask God for His assistance before speaking with anyone about the campaign.

- [More Info: http://www.SeekersWorks.org/]


