Celje - Slovenia 17-23.02.2012 (In the Programme „Intercultural SKILLS - Skills for Life''

  • 11 years ago
Celje - Slovenia 17-23.02.2012
In the Programme „Intercultural skills, skills for life" took part partners from Cyprus, Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Poland.
The project idea started in the small community of Astromeritis (Cyprus), which was made little cautious with immigrants and their families, because they have not had the chance to acquire intercultural skills in their very homogeneous (until now) society. This trend is not exceptional to Cyprus or Astromeritis, but an issue for many communities (big and small) in all of Europe.

All the partners involved in this project find it extremely important that the parents of our communities acquire intercultural skills to be able to better welcome (accept) the newcomers and also teach our children to accept and include these "different" children in their lives in general. New ideas, methods, customs, and ways of thinking are all affecting our children and if we as parents do not know how to approach them, then our children will not know how to approach them either.

The general objective of the project is to promote education in listening and respecting others, to contest prejudice, overcome ethnocentrism, create antidotes to xenophobic feelings.
This intercultural education is intended to be a training opportunity providing learners (parents, children, teenagers, grandparents, teachers) disciplinary knowledge and skills to better understand today's increasingly complex and 'globalized' reality in which they are living.
The film was made by Polish team -- Fundacja Lokalna Grupa Działania Partnerstwo dla Warmii (Foundation Local Group of Activity Partnership for Warmia).
Celje Slovenia LGD Pieniężno


