Quantum Qigong System - Kundalini Meditation

  • 11 years ago
http://quantumqigongsystem.com/ kundalini meditation has its positive and negative aspects. Watch the video to learn more.

This is Sifu Perhacs and welcome back to quantum qigong system. We'll be talking about the next topic on Spiritual Meditation which is Kundalini. Kundalini is a methodology that allows you to create enlightenment. The essential concept is that you are driving energy through the third eye, through meditations. The reason why I add this in spiritual training, not necessarily that I teach this but this is the question I get all the time, very common in a lot of books that a lot of people read and they get to decide on a fact that that's what they need to do; they need to do this kundalini and the fact of the matter is that it is a valid method. It does give you some aspects of the spiritual training. It is not the end of deal and there are some inherent problems with it.

It is a powerful yogic method that does work. I knew a lot of people that comes from kundalini yoga and they may have dumbness but they did it the wrong way or their instructor was too quick to try to get them to do this and they got injured, they got weird side effects and so it was not done the proper way. Spiritual training has to be coaxed, not forced. Anytime you force anything, you get bad results. And it can be dangerous because you are sending a lot of energy up through third eye which obviously is in the head and if you watched my other videos, I talked about the controlling the amount of energy that you send off the head because the head is a very open vessel. So the more energy you push up into your head, the more dangerous it can be.

Now in the beginning, here's the situation, most other meditator practices, qigong practices, kundalini yoga included, their energy methods are not that strong. With our training, quantum qigong training, we will help you build up a tremendous amount of energy so the energy you are going to send your head is going to be a lot more amplified than that from some of these other methods. So that's why we say don't send off the energy through the head because it's a lot more amplified than what you are going to get with some of these other methods and that's the key.

The results are unpredictable. Many people come to me and have gone through this kundalini process who thought they did and they have headaches, sometimes they blowout and the people and their eyes which cause them to look a kind of freakish and it takes a little while to get that back if you can get it back. And so it's a method that's out there, again, it's a valuable method but if you do not have a great instructor, it can be dangerous and you could get really unpredictable results but it is a type of spiritual training and even though I won't take you through this particular style, I do have some elements from this that actually work a lot better, a lot safer for you and over the long run, we're going to give you much more desirable results.
