
  • 11 years ago
【Parody】It happens when you sing Maji LOVE 2000% by yourself 【Seriously Lonely 2000%】

I got no translations xD Sorry people. But you can at least understand the English sentences right?

About the title - I am in no way confident of my translations. From what I understand, 「マジLOVE2000%を1人で歌うとこうなる。」means "It happens when you sing Maji LOVE 2000% by yourself". 「替え歌」 means "parody" and 「マジぼっち」is a little complicated.
As fans would know 「マジ」means "Serious". 「ぼっち」is apparently a Japanese internet slang that means "Who likes to be alone" or "Who has no friends because he/she is not good at talking and has a complex about their faith" ( http://lang-8.com/114138/journals/355402/Recent-Internet-slang-in-Japan-%2528%25E3%2581%25BC%25E3%2581%25A3%25E3%2581%25A1%2529 ). As such, I decided to translate 「マジぼっち」as "Seriously Lonely" instead of "Seriously Alone" because well, it sounds aesthetically better and it makes more sense when you listen to the parody. And I'm done. You guys can watch now (≧▼≦;)


About the original ↓

Creator of the video : うらたぬきさん [ Urata / Ura Tanuki-san ]
Posted on April 25, 2013
Found on : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20693131

Translator : ヒナミさん [ Hinami-san ] ( or le moi but I just wanted to look cool )

「もう1人には慣れました。趣味は読書(漫画)とPCゲーム(オンラインゲームを1人でやることです。)2000%な本家様 watch/1365068108Փ...ぼっちのやつ...Փうらたぬき(mylist/35789880)【community:co1932293 twitter:uratasama】Փ...動画編集...Փまーぼん(mylist/26670835)【twitter:mabonsama】「敗北の少年」→sm20806221new!「友達!いませんwww」→sm20825482new!※コメントにつきましては最低限マナーを守ったうえでお願いします。宣伝ありがとうございました!(敬称略)なえぴょん」


All credits go to the rightful owners. I do not own anything.


