A video promotion created by Wave Street Studios for its program Kundalini Live.The music by David Grier, was recorded by the studio a few years back. Kundalini Live is a weekly high vibration online kundalini yoga practice produced, hosted and filmed by Wave Street Studios. Kundalini Live is live broadcast Wednesdays at 7pm PST. The studio is a modern cast concrete sound stage designed to include an 80 person live studio audience. Every care was taken to create a studio environment that supports and inspires our audiences and performers to reach higher in their focus and craft..You can't really fake happiness and we really didn't want try. Wave Street Studios is located a block from the beach and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. You can preview the studios live class recording capability and try a free class by visiting kundalinilive,com Wave Street Studios produces musical, talk, dance and other performance recordings and is looking to find a market for our content, our content in the planning and capabilities. Contact us at wavestreet@gmail.com