79-Year-Old Woman Is Pole Vaulting Record Breaker

  • 11 years ago
A 79-year-old great-grandmother is a pole vaulting record breaker. Flo Meiler currently holds 15 world records and 12 U.S. records.

When it comes to age, an old saying goes ‘you’re only as old as you feel’. Flo Meiler proves that statement right.

The 79-year-old great-grandmother is a pole vaulting record breaker.

She currently holds 15 world records and 12 U.S. records. Adding to that amazing feat, Meiler hasn’t been pole vaulting her entire life.

Instead she first picked it up at 65 years of age, after witnessing some other ladies doing it. Her competitive streak snuck in and Meiler thought she could go higher.

She purchased an instructional video and taught herself how to pole vault. Meiler competes at numerous events including the high jump, long jump, triple jump, one-hundred meter, 200 meter, the hammer, shot put, discus and of course the pole vault.

Approximately 10,000 senior citizens, Meiler included, are attending the 2013 National Senior Games which is being held in Cleveland. Meiler stated “I'll be competing forever, as long as the good Lord gives me my health, probably until 100.”

What do you think you'll be doing when you are 79?

