Jason Sudeikis Reveals Weight Loss Related to Sex With Olivia Wilde

  • 11 years ago
In the August 2013 edition of ELLE magazine, Sudeikis revealed his secret to shedding pounds is contributed to bedroom time with his beautiful fiancée, Olivia Wilde. He credited his slimmer physique to not only great sex, but minor dietary changes.

Looking for fun weight loss tips? Well you might wanna listen to what Jason Sudeikis has to say.

In the August 2013 edition of ELLE magazine, Sudeikis revealed that his secret to shedding pounds is the bedroom time spent with his beautiful fiancée, Olivia Wilde.

He tastefully stated “The truth is, I'm not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world. And you don't need a gym membership for that kind of workout.”

Wilde also confirmed the couple shares an active sex life, as she once metaphorically compared herself and her future husband. Sudeikis credited his slimmer physique to not only great sex, but also to minor dietary changes like staying away from junk food, especially during the early hours of the morning, at a time when he apparently has difficulty getting to sleep.

Sudeikis and Wilde began dating in late 2011. They announced their engagement earlier this year in January. The couple reportedly plans to wed in the Spring of 2014.