SafElert Review-Motion Alarm by Liberty Safe

  • 11 years ago
SafElert Review-Motion Alarm by Liberty Safe Get it at

Hi this is Ed from the safe and today I'm going to show you something that you could use for your safe that you have now or a safe that you buy from us.

When you have a gun safe maybe your concern is that someone can just cut the side of the safe open or try to pry it open, well this Safelert here, when I open this up like this, it will then signal my smart phone and let me know that someone has opened my door, or anyone tries to start banging on it, drilling on it, it will go off and let me know.

This will also allow you to, if there's a temperature change in it, and there's my phone right now see, there it is right there as you can see it has also just given me a signal, an alert to let me know that someone just opened the door. So that is something that you got to have.

If you have any gold or silver or other valuables and start to up your values in your safe, this will secure your safe so much more, letting you know, you can be anywhere in the world.

You just need to have internet in your home and this will also, if there is a change in temperture, or if there's a change in humidity, if there's any movement, if the battery goes low, if the internet goes down it will alert you and let you know that that has happened.

This motion detector goes inside the safe, it's wireless and it's one hundred and ninety nine dollars and then it's thirty nine ninety five a year for monitoring service. So go to our website and you can purchase it right there at the safe warehouse dot com.
