M 250 SDT (smoking chips)

  • 11 years ago
The chipper Skorpion 250 SDT/G equipped with high dimension toothed upper roll and chain feeder, both hydraulically driven is designed for shredding tree limbs and logs with diameter of up to 250 mm.

This is a disc model with a pneumatic blow-out system installed on the disc. Chips are ejected through a rotary chimney that can turn by 360 degrees in relation to the chassis.
The cutting system consists of a disc with 4 cutting knives - 2 slat ones and 2 comb ones set alternately. The propulsion system is a four-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel engine by Japanese Yanmar with capacity of 84 hp furnished with a bonnet too.

The essential equipment of the chipper includes a hydraulic propulsion system servicing the upper feeding roll and a crawler installed instead of normally used lower roll. Both of them are driven by hydraulic motors. All above mentioned devices are driven by its own hydraulic pump. A lever type of control system connected with the hydraulic divider allows changing the feeding direction.

As a standard the chipper is also equipped with an electronic system of work control, protecting the machine against overload/excessive duty through temporary stopping the feeding unit. Additionally, the chipper is equipped with a mechanical overrunning braking system and a hook-type coupling for towing adjusted to its interchangeable part -- a grip for using a ball pin or a towing eye.

Chipper Skorpion 250 SDT/G has got the EC Vehicle Type- Approval Certificate which allows registration of the machine and licensing it for the road traffic.

Chips made by Skorpion 250 SDT/G can be used as a solid fuel for heating in buildings (burning in ovens/stoves), as raw material to produce compost, for decorative purposes in gardens, parks, etc., and after additional disintegrating in a mill for production of pellets and briquettes.
