Steffen André

by Steffen André

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The nine German arias were the last thing Händel set to music in his native German language. He chose the poems from a large collection named "Earthly delight in God" by Heinrich Brockes, a well-known poet he had been to university with during his time in Hamburg. These poems praise God through images of nature and Händel uses very fine musical means to describe these pictures in musical terms as well. This one is performed by: Chalium Poppy, musical director and basso continuo, Urszula Kint, violin, Friederike André, soprano. Text: Künftger Zeiten eitler Kummer stört nicht unsern sanften Schlummer, Ehrgeiz hat uns nie besiegt. Mit dem unbesorgten Leben, das der Schöpfer uns gegeben, sind wir ruhig und vergnügt. Translation: Vain grief of future times, we have never lost our soft slumber over you. With the unconcerned life that the creator has given us, we are quiet and content.