• 11 years ago
The third of the German arias, performed by Chalium Poppy, musical director and basso continuo, Urszula Kint, violin, and Friederike André, soprano. The nine German arias were the last thing Händel set to music in his native German language. He chose the poems from a large collection named "Earthly delight in God" by Heinrich Brockes, a well-known poet he had been to university with during his time in Hamburg. These poems praise God through images of nature and Händel uses very fine musical means to describe these pictures in musical terms as well. Text: Süßer Blumen Ambraflocken, euer Silber will mich locken, den zum Ruhm, der euch gemacht. Da ihr fallt, will ich mich schwingen himmelwärts und den besingen, der die Welt hervor gebracht. Translation: Sweet blooms with your amber petals, your silver wishes to entice me, to the glory of Him who made you. As you fall I will soar up to heaven and sing of Him who caused the world to come into being.

