Thousands celebrate Mursi overthrow

  • 11 years ago

Tens of thousands of protesters in the Egyptian port city of Alexandria celebrated the armed forces overthrow of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi on Wednesday (July 3) and the announcement of a political transition.

There was wild rejoicing in the streets of the nation's second city at the prospect of new elections.

In Sharqiya, Mursi's home town, celebrations went on in to the night, with flags being waved from moving vehicles, people cheering and hundreds in the streets.

The head of the armed forces pledged new elections as part of a road map ironed out during a meeting with liberal opposition groups before Mursi's removal was announced.

Claiming a mandate from the people, millions of whom have protested against political upheaval and economic stagnation under Brotherhood rule, armed forces chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said Mursi had failed to meet demands for national unity.

Liberals welcomed a relaunch of t