Panicked Burglar Calls Police After Finding Dead Body

  • 11 years ago
A man had entered what he thought was a vacant home in Hamilton, hoping to burglarize the residence. However, once inside, he noticed a dead body hanging in a dark room.

A burglar in New Zealand walked into a shocking scene. The man in his 20s had entered what he thought was a vacant home in Hamilton, hoping to burglarize the residence.

However, once inside, he noticed a dead body hanging in a dark room. The unidentified burglar began screaming, terrified of what he was seeing.

Panicked, he managed to call police. Neighbors also called law enforcement after they heard the screams, initially believing the sounds were from a domestic argument.

The deceased victim had reportedly died only hours before the burglary attempt and had the suspect not found him at that precise moment, the body may have gone undetected for much longer. The death is not considered suspicious, as it is believed the victim committed suicide.

The burglar has fully cooperated with law enforcement and it is doubtful he will face legal charges. A police authority stated “Hopefully there will be a positive out of it and that he will decide it's not the thing to do. I would be taking that as pretty bad karma.
