FBI Stops Homemade X-ray Weapon From Being Completed

  • 11 years ago
Two men were on the verge of finishing a deadly x-ray machine when the FBI swooped in at the last minute and saved the President from potential imminent doom – for real.

Two men were on the verge of finishing a deadly x-ray machine when the FBI swooped in at the last minute and saved the President from potential imminent doom – for real.

It’s believed that the duo from Upstate New York were targeting President Obama in addition to enemies of Israel.

Glendon Scott Crawford, a 49-year-old General Electric employee, crafted the initial plan and began constructing an x-ray apparatus that would emit deadly amounts of radioactivity and could be triggered from a remote location.

He later joined forces with Eric Feight who allegedly took on the task of building the electronic controls.

Crawford has been the subject of an FBI investigation since spring of last year when he made inquiries at a synagogue about technologies that would kill those against Israel.

Upon learning about his membership in the Ku Klux Klan, FBI agents infiltrated the group and offered to finance and buy the weapon from Crawford.

It was through the process of doing so that the FBI was able to monitor the device’s progress, stop it, and make the arrests.