Tasmanian Woman Speaks With French Accent After Car Wreck

  • 11 years ago
A Tasmanian woman is living with the bizarre aftermath of a vehicular crash which occurred 8 years ago. Leanne Rowe talks with a French accent that refuses to go away.

A car wreck can all-too-often result in grueling physical injuries.

One Tasmanian woman is living with the bizarre aftermath of a vehicular crash which occurred 8 years ago.

Following the accident, Leanne Rowe’s speech became slurred and that slur somehow morphed into a French accent. Eight years later, Rowe is still speaking with what sounds like a French accent. Her family physician believes she developed a rare case of Foreign Accent Syndrome.

Rowe stated “It makes me so angry because I am Australian. I am not French, though I do not have anything against the French people.”

She also claimed to have encountered anxiety and depression, resulting from her bizarre accent, as she became self-conscious when speaking in public. Although there aren’t many research findings on Foreign Accent Syndrome, the change occurs when the brain’s speech area tissue gets damaged.

Over the past 7 decades, there have only been around 60 cases recorded across the globe.