What do you do when your spouse has kidnapped your children and taken them to Israel?

  • 11 years ago

A lot of times one spouse may want to live in one country and the other spouse may want to live in Israel.

A lot of times when spouses are going through marital difficulties, one of the things that they don't agree about is where their kids should grow up. I am not only talking about which parent the kids should grow up with in the event of divorce, but even about which country the kids should grow up in - whether the parents are divorced or not

Sometimes one side will take drastic steps - either before or after divorce, or in an attempt to force the other parent to acquiesce and let them bring the kids up in Israel.

If your spouse does that to you, what are you to do?

Israel is a signatory of the Hague Convention which deals with the procedures to be followed in the event that one parent abducts, kidnaps, or otherwise unlawfully (i.e. without the consent of the other parent) brings the children to Israel. Accordingly, Israel has a procedure to have the children returned to their home country - but you have to act quickly and leave no room for doubt that it wasn't your intent for the kids to grow up in Israel. Watch the video to learn more.

If you'd like to learn more about getting divorced in Israel, then take a look at my educational website at http://israeldivorcelawyer.com/.

If you have questions about getting divorced in Israel then pick up the phone and call me. I help people with the Israel based and Israel related legal family matters every day, and I can help you.
I have offices located in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem. My U.S. phone number is (201) 696 - 3947, and my Israel phone number is (077) 200 - 8161. My email is jay.hait@orcheidin.co.il.
