• 12 years ago
I was approached by Denature to do a music video in a similar style to "Turn of the screw" http://vimeo.com/23522578/ . So i set off with my brother (Steve) to see if we could come up with a visual sister piece for Turn of the screw. The video is in the same narrative style as requested by the band. I could go into a whole spiel about what the video represents to us and how it fits into the visual landscape of the song. But hopefully it will have it's own identity for each interpretation. So, we asked if any actors would like to work for orange juice and it seems quite a few did. We Story boarded, hired some costumes (which blew the budget) and then had a period of 4-5 hours shooting time. I would like to thank all those who came. It was great fun and i apologise if you did not get into the final cut.
