Dog With Overbite Named Tuna Is an Internet Sensation

  • 11 years ago
The mix breed dog named Tuna has a very prominent overbite and seemingly wrinkled skin. His owner posts pictures of him on Instagram and the page has over 380,000 followers.

Even some of the strangest looking animals can somehow still be adorable.

A dog named Tuna is one example.

Described as a Chihuahua and Dachshund mix breed, he has a very prominent overbite and seemingly wrinkled skin. His owner, 31-year-old Courtney Dasher adopted Tuna in 2011 at a Los Angeles Farmer's Market.

She stated “His rescuer said that he was thrown out and found on the side of a road near San Diego, which evidently traumatized him, because he would squirm on his belly when he attempted to walk.”

After spending only a week with Tuna, she fell in love. She opened an Instagram account filled with photos of the sweet pooch.

Each day, she posts a new picture and the page has over 380,000 followers. Just going by the images, anyone can see Tuna is now very happy with his new life.

The dog’s adorable face is now featured on iPhone covers and clothing. A portion of the profits goes to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.