A documentary about the sufferings of Polisario Front camps inhabitants in Algeria

  • il y a 11 ans
THE TERRIFIED is the title of this shocking documentary on the hard life in Tindouf camps in Algeria. Many witnesses testify torture and oppression committed by Polisario Front officials with the consent of the Algerian secret services DRS. The stories of these victims were narrated to the Human Rights Council officials in Geneva and to many "honest" human rights NGOs to denounce the role and responsabilities of Algeria, the hosting country, in the exactions. Since 1976, about 7000 people fled Algeria to return back to Morocco. During UN visits, many families decide to stay in Morocco instead of returning to the camps of hell. The encirclement of the inhabitants of Tindouf camps in Algeria has to stop. CORCAS, the Western Saharawi community, is denouncing mistreatment of Tindouf camps inahbitants with the consent of Algeria.

Visit CORCAS websites to read more about the Western Sahara Territory issue.


