Parents in Uproar Over IKEA Gnome Ad

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

Parents are upset over an IKEA Gnome commercial launched in the UK. They say that the content of the ad is unsuitable for children.

Not everything is for everyone, and of course that includes humor.

IKEA, the furniture company that proved particle board can be chic, launched a yard beautification campaign in the UK that has some parents in an uproar.

The ad features an ever-increasing group of garden gnomes trying to reclaim their yard from the pesky furnishing and organizing efforts of the homeowners – and it turns into all out war.

Chairs get knocked over, gnomes get thrown into bushes, and a lot of angry glances are exchanged. Ultimately, several gnome lives are lost.

So far, around 50 complaints have been logged by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority.

The outraged viewers asserted that the content was, "offensive, unsuitable for children, frightening, violent and encouraged emulation and anti-social behaviour".

The organization doesn’t plan to take action.

To calm the concerns of the public, an IKEA executive said, "We can confirm no gnomes were harmed in the making of the advert, thanks to the brave stunt doubles and some clever post production."

Gnomes have long been controversial, and displaying them in front yards is illegal in many towns and communities.

Please decorate responsibly.

Parents are upset over an IKEA Gnome Ad launched in the UK. The content of the ad is considered offensive and unsuitable for children.