More Men Seeking Laser Hair Removal

  • 11 years ago
Many men are seeking laser hair removal procedures in the UK.

Fashion trends and beauty treatments aren’t solely directed towards women anymore.

Many men are seeking professionals to remove hair on their feet. A dermatologist in London, Dr Michael Prager claims that he is currently booking about two patients a day for the ridding of what is called “Hobbit Feet”.

His business for the procedure has doubled this year. The process to permanently remove the hair involves roughly six, costly sessions. Prager stated “ For men, feet is a big area, because they all go out in flip flops at the moment, that is the big craze. The fashion has changed: men show more leg and they want their feet to look good.”

In another part of the world, mustache transplants are a big hit. Some Turkish vacation packages offer a little shopping, some sightseeing, and a mustache transplant.

Clinics in Istanbul draw customers from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The surgery is minor and can be done under local anesthetic in about 5 hours. Hair is removed from areas where its presence is ample and implanted above the lip.


