VBS is like TV. Except for the part where it’s great and TV is awful. So in that way, it isn’t like TV at all.

VBS is an online broadcast network. We stream Flash video, free of charge and 24 hours a day. We carry a dizzying mix of domestic and international news, pop and underground culture coverage, the coolest music in the world, and user-generated content. People have used words like eclectic, smart, funny, shocking, and revolutionary to describe VBS, but we kind of just snapped our fingers in their faces and went, “Whatever. Tell us something we don’t know.”

With Academy Award-nominated director Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) as our creative director, original content from a veritable United Nations of contributors, and bureaus in 20 countries, VBS will hit the planet in a manner not unlike a massive global plague. But instead of influenza, we will bring an ailment that is all too uncommon in today’s media landscape: Groundbreaking entertainment. Streaming on VBS’s signature “in-room” widescreen, content will be available all the time, on-demand.

In addition to more original programming than you’ll know what to do with, each VBS series and segment will have its own HTML site, where we annotate and footnote the shows with blog updates, extra reports from the field, and photo and video exclusives from the stars of the show.

Visitors to VBS can also create their own profiles, search content, make video playlists, tag, blog and embed content, and send everything to their friends in a pretty little virtual package.

Basically, VBS will exploit every single utopian vision the internet has thus far failed to live up to. We are going to make you love your computer again. (Admit it, the thing was getting kind of boring.)