Yuichi Onoue
Hello my name is Yuichi Onoue.
Japanese musical instruments(both handmade & existing) player, Composer , Musical producer & engineer
Mainly I play "Kaisatsuko"(my original electric 2 strings hurdy-gurdy like instrument), and Handmade Ribbon Controller. Please check my homepage for detail http://torigoya.main.jp/en_index.html
If you are intrested in me. Please send me friend request lightheartedly.
I was born in 1969 Tokyo. I started to play the musical instruments(guitar, keyboard) when I was about 10 years old. In 1982, I started to compose , perform and record my own songs. It continues up to the present time. And I also became to be interested in radio electronics , electric guitar and music synthesizer. So I have made many electric sound machine since then. For example, fuzz box / filter / synth drum / oscirator / noise genelator / vocoder ....and so on. Among them in 1998, I made my own Ribbon Controller, and started live performance by using it. Then in 2003, I made my original musical instruments which is named "Kaisatsuko(回擦胡)" - two strings Hurdy-Gurdy like oriental fiddle. Now I'm mainly playing these two handmade instruments at my live performance. And I also have played them with various musical instrument players. You can check my performance of Ribbon controler and Kaisatsuko from here.
Side by side, I have tried some musical computer programmings which are not only conventional one , but also algorhythm composition(usuing MAX etc) and digital signal processing. I wander about hi-tech to low-tech, analog to digital and various kind of music.
!!Attention Please!!
Even if you want my handemade musical instruments(like RibbonController and Kaisatsuko), I can't make them for you. Because I don't have much time to make them for others. Very sorry. Basically I'm not craftworker. Please recognize me as a "MUSICIAN" who also plays handmade musical instruments.
Japanese musical instruments(both handmade & existing) player, Composer , Musical producer & engineer
Mainly I play "Kaisatsuko"(my original electric 2 strings hurdy-gurdy like instrument), and Handmade Ribbon Controller. Please check my homepage for detail http://torigoya.main.jp/en_index.html
If you are intrested in me. Please send me friend request lightheartedly.
I was born in 1969 Tokyo. I started to play the musical instruments(guitar, keyboard) when I was about 10 years old. In 1982, I started to compose , perform and record my own songs. It continues up to the present time. And I also became to be interested in radio electronics , electric guitar and music synthesizer. So I have made many electric sound machine since then. For example, fuzz box / filter / synth drum / oscirator / noise genelator / vocoder ....and so on. Among them in 1998, I made my own Ribbon Controller, and started live performance by using it. Then in 2003, I made my original musical instruments which is named "Kaisatsuko(回擦胡)" - two strings Hurdy-Gurdy like oriental fiddle. Now I'm mainly playing these two handmade instruments at my live performance. And I also have played them with various musical instrument players. You can check my performance of Ribbon controler and Kaisatsuko from here.
Side by side, I have tried some musical computer programmings which are not only conventional one , but also algorhythm composition(usuing MAX etc) and digital signal processing. I wander about hi-tech to low-tech, analog to digital and various kind of music.
!!Attention Please!!
Even if you want my handemade musical instruments(like RibbonController and Kaisatsuko), I can't make them for you. Because I don't have much time to make them for others. Very sorry. Basically I'm not craftworker. Please recognize me as a "MUSICIAN" who also plays handmade musical instruments.