
"The Work of the Source" Web TV Channel brings you the series, Next Step Communications from the Source, that provides you with the Source Perspective on what is happening in the Creation, how this impacts you, and what the Source is recommending as your Next Step toward building the Heaven of true happiness in your life and in your world.

Each video contains transformational energies to expand your understanding about what it takes to join in The Work of the Source to build a Life that Works and a World that Works.

This series is sponsored by The Miracle School, a Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Program for Spiritual Activists. The Miracle School is directed by Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. who is the incarnation of the Implementation Aspect of the Source here on the Earth to represent the perspective of the Source in its entirety and to do the Direct Source Work that is catalyzing a Universal Transformation that will manifest the Heaven that life was meant to be.