Wayne Duplessis

The current demand for teachers is huge.
Upon completion you will have the credentials required to work or Teach English Abroad as a teacher in non-native English speaking countries.
Once certified you will be well on your way to experiencing foreign cultures and languages and embarking upon your new career as an English teacher teaching abroad or home.
No previous teaching experience or specialist qualifications are required.
The only requirement is fluency in English.

Get certified and teach English.
Teach English and see the world
TEFL Certification Courses in Surabaya, Indonesia

All TEFL International courses meet current international standards

Over six(6)hours of observed teaching practice and over 100 hours of classroom time).
Our courses maximize the cultural experiences of our students and provide multicultural interaction and learning opportunities for those in need.
Trainer Luke Polak
admin Adryan Sutanto
Director Netty Poernomo
TEFL International's TESOL certificate is a four week, 120 hours intensive course, teaching students how to teach English as a second language.