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[ A well fed patriot is a well prepared patriot. ]
Here you will find a collection of W R O L survival, how to, planning, self reliance, homesteading, alternative energy, fire arms, cooking, and wild edibles videos. I have also included videos on government, N W O and the current economic crisis. Look for these videos in my playlists as well as my uploads. I have made this information available with the intent of helping people learn to be better prepared for the troubled times ahead. Many of my videos will be dealing with FOOD. These ideas may very well apply before, during or after a possible - - - ( hope not ) W R O L . I will also try to include other videos, just to keep the channel varied and intriguing as possible. Keep watching, more to come.

I do actively seek like minded Patriots & Preppers to be part of my blogs, friends list & forums. Ideally the majority of persons will be like minded people, however - i believe that it would be counter productive to keep membership exclusive. Any individual that expresses a SINCERE interest in preparedness learning and sharing knowledge is welcome. I personally believe that - the more people who become educated in preparedness and are able to become self sufficient, the better it will be for everyone, should the day come that we need to put our skills to the test.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."--Thomas Jefferson

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. " -- Ben Franklin
Great links :
