Our Prototypes Technical Office designs and implements equipments for communication, research, video-filming and underwater video-check. These products can be employed also in the geological and hydraulic sector, such as video-checks – through Closed-Circuit television-cameras - of wells, hollows, tunnels, small calibre pipelines, and wherever you cannnot use any other system.

Our staff is made up by highly qualified personnel, led by Mr. Fabio Matacchiera, renowned for his underwater relic hunting of a noteworthy importance.

Many companies and professional operators employ our equipments. Various archaeological discoveries have been done, thanks to our underwater television-cameras. We bring to fruition the live transmission of pictures of sea-depths, as well as through a monitor placed on the boat, during sailing. Trail underwater television-cameras allow fast video-checking of sea-depths, with extremely high quality pictures, b/w and colours.

Furthermore, our special television-cameras, combined with underwater telephones, allow view and communication between scuba diver and supporting personnel, with simultaneous video and audio.

The creation of a tiny underwater closed-circuit television-camera (among the smallest in the world) also allows the video check of small-calibre hydraulic pipelines, in order to detect possible obstructions or breaks, making, thus, our group competitive on the world market.
Moreover, we design and implement waterproof cases for your video cameras, and photo-cameras with underwater ultra-bright led illuminators.