Steve Decker

It's a great day at US Best Capital Partners and we're crazy about liquidity! We specialize in stock loans, securities based credit lines and liquidity solutions for individual clients, real estate investors and public companies internationally. We can help you tap the value of your marketable securities to achieve your short-term goals today without the need to sell off your portfolio or disrupt your long-term financial plan. All of our securities finance programs are non-transfer of title and are facilitated through our direct relationships with top tier, SIPC member managed institutions with offices worldwide (we do not use intermediaries). In addition to stock and securities financing, we also help public companies with liquidity and debt conversion solutions. We hope you will take a few moments to learn more about our world class finance services through our short, entertaining videos and invite you to drop by our website for more information. We welcome referring brokers. Copyright 2011 US Best Capital Partners, LLC all rights reserved.