Still Talk

Welcome to "Still Talk"!

Step into a world where industrial and social history merge with the allure of distilled drinks. This social media group explores the profound impact of spirits like whisky, gin, and rum on our collective story.

Discover the evolution of distillation techniques and their role in shaping industries and societies. From alchemists seeking the elixir of life to bustling distilleries of the Industrial Revolution, we delve into stories of innovation, craftsmanship, and cultural transformation.

Uncover the profound social and economic influence of distilled drinks:

🏭 Industrial Transformations: Explore how distilleries revolutionized economies, shaped urban landscapes, and influenced labor forces. From entrepreneurial endeavors to technological advancements, discover the mass production that brought these spirits to the masses.

🌍 Global Trade and Exploration: Delve into the significance of international trade routes and colonialism, spreading the popularity of spirits like rum and gin. Uncover the connections between distilleries, seafaring adventures, and cultural exchange.

🍻 Societal Movements and Rituals: Explore the social and cultural aspects surrounding distilled drinks. From taverns and social clubs to the birth of cocktail culture, uncover the rituals, traditions, and social dynamics that emerged around these spirits.

In "Still Talk," we celebrate the intersection of industrial and social history, recognizing the profound impact of distilled drinks. Join us in unraveling fascinating stories, sharing insights, and engaging in thought-provoking discussions about the historical forces that shaped our drinking traditions.

Cheers to "Still Talk," where the past comes alive through distilled drinks and the remarkable tapestry of human history!