
Sparkology is New York's most exclusive and innovative dating site, catering to singles in the metropolitan dating scene. We provide a platform where modern singles can create meaningful relationships within an exclusive community targeting the city’s most ambitious, creative, and successful young professionals.

We have completely re-engineered the business model of online dating by tackling (i) quality (ii) interaction dynamics and (iii) social discovery to deliver a powerful value proposition to our refined user base.

We also work hard to help members transition naturally from online to in-person interactions. City concierges offer ideas for fresh and innovative dates. We also offer exciting experience-based events where members and their guests can mingle in a casual, no pressure atmosphere. Lastly, advice columns written by dating professionals answer any member inquiries.

By entirely changing the matchmaking model and focusing on the unique needs of young professionals in major cities, we are disrupting the dating market. It’s time to evolve.
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