Sinha Danse
Sinha Danse est une compagnie créée par Roger Sinha à Montréal, en 1991. Son travail fusionne danse classique indienne, danse contemporaine, les arts martiaux, nouvelles technologies et performance digitale, vidéo et Bharata Natyam, une danse issue du sud de l'Inde.
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Sinha Danse is a dance company created in 1991 by Roger Sinha, in Montreal. His work merges classical Indian dance and contemporary dance, martial arts, new technologies, digital performance, video and Bharata Natyam, a dance from south India.
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Sinha Danse is a dance company created in 1991 by Roger Sinha, in Montreal. His work merges classical Indian dance and contemporary dance, martial arts, new technologies, digital performance, video and Bharata Natyam, a dance from south India.