susan kimball

This site is dedicated to the the truth that many do NOT want to know....the King of Babylon (the Antichrist) is coming. When he comes he will claim to be the Christ, our Messiah.
Time is of the essence. We as a Christian nation and the people of this world, need to wake up and understand that we are the generation of the fig tree. Satan is coming as the Antichrist and as prophesied he will deceive the majority.
Rapture is a lie. The Antichrist comes first! Do not be deceived, when he sits in the temple (Jerusalem) claiming to be our Lord and Savior....for he is a liar, an impostor, a fake, a phony, a play actor, a counterfeit, and a fraud. He is a dead man walking and most of all he is an abomination!
There is no time like the present. Do not be one of those foolish virgins with no oil (truth) in your lamp. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth"2Tim 2:15 Help get the word out by adding me to your favorites......God Bless