Chica Vampiro

The series follows the life of Daisy O'Brian (Greeicy Rendón), an otherwise ordinary teenaged girl born into a family of vampires, who maintain a family tradition of offering the vampire curse to its members on their 16th birthday: Daisy, who had long made up her mind to remain mortal, is hit by a truck on that very day.[4] When doctors inform her family that Daisy will die of her injuries, her parents Ana (Jacqueline Arenal) and Ulises (Juan Pablo Obregón) decide to bite her, turning her into a vampire and saving her life.[5]

With vampirism thrust upon her against her will, Daisy is forced to hide her true nature from mortals and learn to live between two worlds: the mortal realm, where she attends school and attempts to pursue her dream of being a singer, and the Vampire World (Mundo Vampiro in the series), where she must attend vampire school, to learn how to deal with her new condition. Daisy must also deal with her feelings for her neighbor Max de la Torre (Santiago Talledo), for whom she intended to remain mortal, and with the feelings of vampire Mirco Vladimoff (Eduardo Pérez), who believes Daisy is his prophesied true love.[4]

Throughout the series, the O'Brian family also faces conflict from other sources, such as mortals attempting to unmask them and feuds with other vampire families.