Roman Hossain

Roman Hossain lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was born on 19th of May in 1971. His father was a teacher and would taught upto 12th class in a senior secondary school. Roman Hossain finished his primary schooling from a private school in Dhaka. Roman Hossain graduated in commerce and after completing graduation Roman Hossain completed post graduation from Dhaka University in commerce. Roman Hossain was hired by a financial firm in 1995 as an accountant and worked there for 3 years. Roman Hossain joined another company in 1998 as a senior accountant and worked for five years. He left that company in 2003 and joined another one as an account manager and worked there for seven years. Roman Hossain was appointed as a senior account manager a company in 2010. At present, Roman Hossain is working as a senior account manager. Roman Hossain has a family of six members including him. He has two children. Roman Hossain likes traveling, listening to music and watching movies. He loves photography as well. He has joined Dailymotion to watch and share his favorite videos.