Serkan Modali

Rock band PLANEUR founded in summer of 2009 by vocalist Serkan Modali and jazz/rock guitarist Onur Ataman who currently lives in The Netherlands recorded their first studio album in Rotterdam at Excess Studios with master sound engineer Hans Pieters. Being the most influential rock band founded by Turkish musicians in The Netherlands makes PLANEUR special and interesting.
In PLANEUR’s first album produced by Onur Ataman. Ataman’s hard guitars tunes and moving solos that calls for being a guitar virtuoso catch attention. In PLANEUR’s studio recordings, Onur Ataman is accompanied by world famous Dutch drum player Ed Warby who is well known by his work as part of rock bands Gorefest ve Ayeron. With his modern and hard vocal interpretations, Serkan Modali notes that “lyrics are very important. While writing the lyrics, we drew on our own live experiences and crafted lyrics that are real life stories just as movie makes do while producing their films. Murat Ilkan - vocalist of well known Turkish heavy metal band PENTAGRAM – made invaluable contributions to PLANEUR’s vocal recordings. Bass guitars were recorded by Spanish jazz bass guitar player Rafael Morales.