
Lehman Property Management is a fee based property Management Company focused on providing quality service to tenants and owners alike.

This service is provided by focusing on four key items:


Housing provided meets or exceeds all local codes, is above average accommodations for the neighborhood and is priced competitively.

Tenants are screened to ensure a solid credit history and adequate income. Additionally criminal records, past landlord and personal references are evaluated.

Owners are interviewed to ensure a commonality of approach with tenant relations and management philosophies.

Employees, contractors and vendors are screened and trained to ensure a good fit as members of our team.

We are currently managing properties in Cumberland and Dauphin Counties. If you are looking for an apartment or a house to rent, feel free to take a look at our Current Rental Listings.

If you own investment properties and need someone to manage them, take a look at our Property Owners page.
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