Pierre raxinoar

Tropical Pop New style Bei Raxinoar

zouk RNB, zouk compa, zouk love.
Les jumeaux Zouk du Togo
Contact: Allemagne: - pierre@raxinoar.de

The ZoukTwins from Togo
Contact: - pierre@raxinoar.de

The identical twins Pierre and Paul were born 1980 in Paris. Their musical career though developed in Togo. 1993 they have their first concert – still under the name “King Knife”. At the time they were Hip-Hoppers. Soon the handsome and charismatic twins feel that they want to dedicate their live and career to Zouk. 1995 their first CD came out: “Miranda”. The second Album was released 2000, bearing the title “longtemps le temps”, which contained both Zouk and Zouk R& B.

Both CDs were a huge success, and soon you’d see Raxinoar day in day out on Television and Radio. Concerts became their life. The twins Pierre & Paul perform with internationally renowned stars such as Nu Vice, King Mensah, Henri Dikonge and Kassav from Paris auf. 2007 CD was released under the title “un voeu”.

Thus, Raxinoar has so far released 32 songs and 19 videos. 2007 Pierre moves to Munich, Germany, while Pauls remains in Lomé. Since then, the twins perform separately fort he time being. The first German Music Video is being produced. Raxinoar (Pierre only) performed 12 times in Germany so far, amongst others at the Africa Festival Munich, the Schrannenhalle at the opening of the Ecko Shop and at various concerts in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Raxinoar is planning to bring Zouk to Germany.

Now finally the twins will perform for the first time together in Germany. At “Music for Goals” THE not-to-be-missed concert agains racism on the 18th November 2008 in Muffathalle, München.
