crazy animals

Whether you’re a lover of dogs or crazy about cats, pet quotes make you smile inside at the thought of the love we feel for our four-legged friends.

For those of us who share our lives with pets, these pet quotes will make you smile from the inside out.

Don’t forget to share them with someone who loves pets just as much as you so that they can smile, too.

Pet-keeping is a common part of many cultures.

Humans have been sharing their lives with animals from time immemorial.

According to research, pets can have a profound effect on us.

Interacting with a pet that behaves properly can have a positive effect on you and the people around you.

Just stroking your dog or combing the cat can make you happy and de-stress you.

Besides, having a dog gives you a great excuse to get out and exercise.

Whether that means running along a park trail or simply taking a walk around your neighborhood, your canine companion can help you get into better physical shape.

Studies also suggest people with friendly animals are perceived to be more trustworthy and approachable.

Though pet-keeping can be a costly and time-consuming business, our innate attraction to cute or small animals is not going anywhere.

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