Qaisar Khan

Well! I was born in Jacobabad Sindh and got the primary education from the home town. I obtained my M.A degree from Khairpur University.I was not interested in government job from my childhood, because I did not wish to entangle my life in official works, hence I avoided to get up with the jump in the morn for the office work. I was very playboy during my college-life, formed my musical band and named it See Waves Musical Group. I used to play the keyboard and sing some particular Indian songs but now those are not listened to.I had the latest keyboard of that time before the marriage. After my wedlock , my father came to me and said to me " Do you desire to play old instrument or new one Qaiser ?" I answered so quick without taking much time "New one". I meant here my better-half. I have four children namely two sons and two daughters. I shifted to Quetta in 2009 due to the climate and good educational point of view. Still I love in Quetta and rejoice the weather as well as the fruit of this valley. I have worked as a principal in different 5 schools and colleges of Pakistan including two Quatta`s Schools.Now I am on crucial mission. I am polite and soft-spoken person, but when someone lies to me or under my nose then I get very aggressive and blunt to raise my voice against it.I like William Shakespeare`s complete work including his 154 sonnets , so I am his gigantic fan. I was very inspired by this author`s playwright that I began to write my own sonnets and got success to preserve about 19 little songs namely sonnets. I have translated one of William Shakespeare`s play named As You Like into simple English , but could not get it printed.My religion is Islam and I am Muslim. i AM PATRIOT AND I LOVE MY MOTHERLAND. PAKISTAN ZINDA BAAD.