الطفل المعجزة الشيخ شرف الدين خليفة العمر خمس أعوام من تنزانيا يحفظ القرآن ويتحدث العربية والإنجليزية بطلاقة ويجيد فن الخطابة العربيةومن ابوين مسيحيين بسببه دخل آلاف التنزانيين الى الإسلام
The five-years-old speaks in five languages - English, French, Italian, Swahili and Arabic - even though he is completely uneducated.
At one year old he was able to recite the Quran and went on to be able to preach in Arabic, Swahili and French without any learning.
The boy's first words - "You people repent and you will be accepted by God" were in Arabic.
He was also reported to be Hafiz Al Quran (memorized whole Quran) at the age of one and a half years and was also praying 5 times a day at that age.
This boy was born into a christian family and they later became muslim...
A very large crowd gather in Nigeria as a young child at the age of 5 can speak FLUENT Arabic. At only the age of 5 with no teaching this is a miracle.He can read the Quran also and delivers a message about Islam.
This is a true miracle of Islam , Sheikh Sharifuddin was born in a Christian family but was a quran-hafiz (knew the full Qur'an) at the age of 1 1/2 years of age and was praying 5 times a day. Amazingly Sheikh sharifuddin speak in many languages, and with his speech has brought many many people to accept Islam MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO - ANOTHER MIRACLE OF ISLAM SUBHAN-ALLAH
The five-years-old speaks in five languages - English, French, Italian, Swahili and Arabic - even though he is completely uneducated.
At one year old he was able to recite the Quran and went on to be able to preach in Arabic, Swahili and French without any learning.
The boy's first words - "You people repent and you will be accepted by God" were in Arabic.
He was also reported to be Hafiz Al Quran (memorized whole Quran) at the age of one and a half years and was also praying 5 times a day at that age.
This boy was born into a christian family and they later became muslim...
A very large crowd gather in Nigeria as a young child at the age of 5 can speak FLUENT Arabic. At only the age of 5 with no teaching this is a miracle.He can read the Quran also and delivers a message about Islam.
This is a true miracle of Islam , Sheikh Sharifuddin was born in a Christian family but was a quran-hafiz (knew the full Qur'an) at the age of 1 1/2 years of age and was praying 5 times a day. Amazingly Sheikh sharifuddin speak in many languages, and with his speech has brought many many people to accept Islam MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO - ANOTHER MIRACLE OF ISLAM SUBHAN-ALLAH