Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 11 Beat The Devil

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Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 11 Beat The Devil


04:40You don't like it.
05:00What do you say now, Dr. Lane?
05:05Double or quiz.
05:23Guy tied to a chair.
05:26He's soaking wet.
05:29Feetings out with electric cables.
05:32Like he used to jumpstart a car.
05:40Total rubbish.
06:03Okay, I think that's it for today's class.
06:06Our thanks to Dr. Lightman.
06:08Always entertaining and fascinating.
06:16Not doing this again.
06:21A bad day for the Lightman way.
06:24Where are you going?
06:26Did you put him up to this?
06:28How can I do that?
06:30Technique is foolproof, right?
06:41Here's the problem.
06:43Martin Walker's a psychopath.
06:46Probably a killer.
06:48Just thought you should know.
07:27Right, in a healthy kid,
07:30you would expect to get arousal and revulsion.
07:36What we got in Martin was revulsion and arousal.
07:42Revulsion can appear to be arousal.
07:45Markers are similar.
07:47Says so right in your book, Hal.
07:50Those pictures aren't proof of anything, Dr. Lightman.
07:53Look, we saw the same indicators in Ted Bundy.
07:57Yeah, he was a good-looking fella.
07:59He killed about 60 women, you know, give or take.
08:02Dr. Lightman is prone to the dramatic.
08:05Aren't we all?
08:06Oh, please, Martin exposed your science to be flawed.
08:10So what, therefore he has to be punished?
08:12Dr. Foster, do you concur with your colleague?
08:17I didn't see what he saw.
08:19But reading facial cues isn't my specialty.
08:23Well, it is mine.
08:25I suggest you bring him in for psych evaluation.
08:29Without something more substantial,
08:31I can't justify that kind of action.
08:33All right.
08:35If the university isn't looking into at least one missing person's case,
08:41I'll eat my shoes.
08:44All right.
08:46I think I'm on to something here.
08:48A sophomore girl went missing a month ago.
08:51The police have no evidence of foul play.
08:54It's a women's case and they don't have any leads.
08:57Except the one I'm giving you.
09:00I'll ask the police to talk to him, but quietly.
09:04In other words, you'll do sodo.
09:08Just say it.
09:10I haven't got a clue what you're on about.
09:13OK, fine, I'll say it before you.
09:14You're mad I didn't back you up.
09:16But, Cal, I didn't see what you saw.
09:18Beating you a couple of times doesn't make him a psychopath.
09:20Once. He only beat me once.
09:22I'm going to let him win,
09:24because I want to see how much he got off on humiliating me.
09:28All right, there's a lot of people out there who might enjoy doing that,
09:32but they all know me.
09:34He doesn't.
09:36So, yeah.
09:38I'm going to need his medical files,
09:40and any psychological profile might exist.
09:42You know that those are confidential?
09:46No time for ethics on this one.
09:48Cal, you're crossing that line?
09:51One should not shag one's students.
09:55Especially not psychopathic ones.
09:57You know what I mean?
09:59I never said I saw aliens.
10:02I saw an unidentified flying object.
10:05Now, what is so loony about that?
10:07Well, the school boards are going to say there's a lot loony about it.
10:11I'm not crazy, Miss Torres.
10:13Frankly, corroborating your story, it's going to be a little difficult.
10:17What did it look like?
10:19The overall gestalt of the thing was like a hockey puck or a jelly donut.
10:28Were you drinking or taking any medication?
10:33It was as dry as the Sahara.
10:35Would you describe what you saw as extraterrestrial?
10:45When the Greeks saw lightning in the sky,
10:48they attributed it to Zeus, right?
10:51And when the Aborigines witnessed Halley's Comet,
10:55they thought it was a mighty shaman.
10:59That's a trap that always ensnares us, the need to explain.
11:05Well, this UFO claim seems like it's part of a pattern.
11:08Last year you took your biology class to the county morgue,
11:13and there was a 3 a.m. comet gazing workshop
11:16you held on the roof of the gentleman's lounge.
11:20It was a strip club, but it had the best view.
11:23We're not here to assist his lesson planning, are you?
11:26When I saw the UFO, I called the local news.
11:31I called the airport. I called Maddox Air Force Base.
11:35I got stonewalled.
11:37Then somehow word got out that I'm proselytizing
11:41about the little green men in the classroom, which I'm not.
11:44Oh, you're adding conspiracy theory to your close encounter?
11:48Can you give us a sec?
11:53I'm seeing how he reacts to an attack.
11:55Lightman 101.
11:57Is he showing any markers of deception?
11:59You really want to take this case?
12:01What, is the guy an eccentric?
12:03Yes, of course, big time, and so am I.
12:06Have you seen his shirt?
12:08But I think he's being railroaded.
12:10I've really been the only person to have seen something so...
12:16Listen, I've stood in front of the mirror.
12:20I've asked myself, is this the face of a crackpot?
12:24Well, maybe it is.
12:26But this crackpot is one hell of a science teacher.
12:30I love my job, and I don't want to lose it.
12:37We're going to do everything we can.
12:48I thought you were only here to humor me.
12:51Yeah, well, what do you want from me? Old habits die hard.
12:54I'm writing down all the places that we followed him to,
12:57and writing down everything that he does in each spot.
13:00Boy, you better make a note. He's trolling for a victim.
13:12Cal, so is every guy in this spot. He's 25, single.
13:16He's out the door with that girl in ten minutes.
13:19Any takers?
13:29You should alert the local police about this one.
13:32And tell them what? There's a guy going on a hot date?
13:36Here we go.
13:38Well, he made us.
13:40About bloody time, huh?
13:42Are you having fun playing detective?
13:44This is Ben Reynolds of the FBI.
13:49Is he giving me a parking ticket?
13:53We can't have you hurting that girl now, can we, Martin?
13:58She's safe enough.
14:00Now she is, yeah.
14:27Hello, Martin.
14:57You knew I was coming.
15:00That's what predators do. They check out their territory.
15:05You killed that missing girl, didn't you?
15:08Of course not. I'm harmless.
15:13Now I know I'm right.
15:17I must admit, you had me going there, just for a minute.
15:23The police talked to me today about the missing girl.
15:27Well, you knew that.
15:29What about that girl tonight? What were you going to do to her?
15:32Oh, I was just going to give her a ride home.
15:35Like a good Samaritan.
15:38Thanks to you, she had to walk.
15:41I hope she made it okay.
15:45So, uh, are you just going to follow me the rest of my life?
15:50If I don't have to, you'll mess up.
15:55You know what my dissertation was on?
15:59How patience is adaptive.
16:03Hunters are at the top of the food chain. They all take their times.
16:08Patience, I find, is overrated.
16:14I noticed.
16:16You like to push. Make things happen.
16:21That's when people trip up.
16:23Most people.
16:26You're going to lose this game.
16:28It's not a game, Martin.
16:29Sure it is. You love it just as much as I do.
16:33I see it.
16:37You're leaking joy.
16:41I'll tell you what, you beat me.
16:43And I'll even give you back your 200 bucks.
16:51Good chess players think five moves ahead.
16:54Great chess players think one move ahead.
16:58But it's always the right move.
17:13Right, I want these everywhere.
17:15Hallways, coffee shop, bookstore, any empty space, all right?
17:22Very subtle. Plan to stick around for the lawsuit?
17:25No, that's just where I want them in.
17:27In a courtroom.
17:29Oh, really, Cal, when did you become such a fascist?
17:32Pentagon 2003, among other places.
17:35It shows.
17:37We both know this is not about Martin. This is about us.
17:43It was 23 years ago. I think I'm over it.
17:46Interesting how you remember the exact number of years.
17:49Yeah, it's bloody fascinating, isn't it?
17:52You cannot quantify behaviour, Cal, which is why you're trying to introduce to people.
17:56No, look, I provide a tool.
17:58All right, if people misuse that tool, it's not my fault.
18:02Look at Martin, all right? He is a loony.
18:07All right? And if I'm right, you could be putting these women in danger.
18:10And if you're wrong, I'll recycle.
18:15The thing about Cal is he's...
18:19No, well, yes, and sometimes...
18:23God, has he always been like this?
18:27Only more so.
18:29A word?
18:32He is not someone for the long haul.
18:34Oh, no, no, no, we're not...
18:36Just keep your distance.
18:40Or you could find yourself a very lonely woman.
18:49One time he brought in these kittens and said we should dissect them,
18:53and this girl Lisa completely freaked and called the cops.
18:57But he was just teaching us to, like, question authority.
19:00Did Mr. Hickson ever say anything about aliens?
19:04He said he saw something and asked us what it could have been.
19:07And Flying Saucer made it on the list?
19:11Right underneath the magic brownies.
19:18You didn't think that was funny, Andre?
19:22Because that thing you did where you just looked down and away, that's regret.
19:26Ease up on the Jedi mind tricks, okay, Obi-Wan? You don't know me.
19:30Well, maybe you are the person who told people that Mr. Hickson saw aliens.
19:36Look, all right, I didn't say nothing, and I ain't on trial.
19:39Andre. Andre.
19:47What's with the shame?
19:50Did you see the same thing Hickson saw?
19:52I didn't see anything.
19:54Hey, look.
19:57You can either sack up right now,
19:59or you can spend the rest of your life wondering if what you saw was real,
20:03and if you could have saved Mr. Hickson's job.
20:12It was real.
20:20You like Mr. Hickson, so you photoshopped it.
20:23He didn't forge it. That's exactly what I saw.
20:28Is the video real, yes or no?
20:37Well, if this is what you saw, it must have been picked up on radar,
20:41and if not, then there's got to be an explanation.
20:44Yeah, like the Air Force don't be lying.
20:48We need to draw him out. We need to get something we can read.
20:51How are you going to do that?
20:53Film at 11.
21:00Martin should be home any minute now.
21:02It is so wonderful you're considering him for what's called the...
21:07Lightman Scholarship.
21:09It's our department's most prestigious award.
21:16Every winner has to have a biographical profile.
21:21Right, so...
21:25Shall we start with early childhood?
21:27Oh, Martin was a very happy child.
21:30Loved sports.
21:32Any head injuries?
21:37Like that?
21:39What we mean is, did he have to overcome any difficulties as a child?
21:45Well, no, not really.
21:48Oh, Martin!
21:51The people are here from the Lightman Scholarship.
21:58No, Mom, they're lying to you.
22:01I don't... What?
22:03He has a grudge, Mom. He wants to destroy me. Look at this.
22:06I'm not saying I hurt a girl.
22:11This is... This is outrageous.
22:13I want you out of my house.
22:15Do you want to know if it's true?
22:17Mrs Walker, a girl is missing.
22:22You can't believe that Martin would ever hurt anyone.
22:25Oh, she's not so sure.
22:27Me? I'd bet the house on it.
22:36We should be moseying along.
22:39Unless, of course, there's anything else you want to tell us?
22:42I have nothing to say to you. I'm so sorry, Martin.
22:44I didn't... I really didn't know who they were.
22:46It's OK, Mom. It's not your fault.
22:52It's OK, Mom. They're gone.
23:04You saw her when I said he was guilty. She crumbled.
23:08She was taken by surprise, Cal.
23:11Surprised my arse. She's scared to death of him.
23:14And she knows he's guilty, too.
23:16Cal, maybe you are seeing what you want to see.
23:21You're buying his act, are you?
23:26I think you and Helen have a lot of unresolved issues.
23:29I think you two were a couple when you were her student,
23:32and I don't think you like your replacement.
23:35You know, you're starting to sound a lot like Helen.
23:39I mean that in the nicest possible way.
23:42When I'm sure you're right about Martin, I will back you 100%.
23:46Oh, yeah. Yeah.
23:48Maybe this will help convince you.
23:51We're just laying about.
23:58He has a sister?
24:00Apparently, yeah.
24:02There's not a single picture of her in the house, though.
24:05Not that I could see, anyway.
24:08What is this?
24:10That is video of little Martin
24:14and presumably an older sister.
24:17And where'd you get it from?
24:19Borrowed it.
24:21Is that the background?
24:23Yeah, and I didn't have to break any laws to get it here.
24:26Well, obviously Martin had a sister. Her name is Marcy.
24:29She's two years older than him.
24:31Well, what happened to her?
24:33She drowned in that pool when she was seven.
24:35Police report says that Martin witnessed the whole thing.
24:38Excuse me.
24:39Mr. Reynolds here.
24:42Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:44Well, Mrs. Walker lied about Martin's happy childhood.
24:48You seeing a pattern, then?
24:51Cal, he was five.
24:53Two and a half times the terrible twos.
24:55What's the name of that hospital again?
24:57All right, my man.
24:59That was my buddy from the force.
25:01I asked him to keep his ear to the ground about any missing women.
25:04There's another one?
25:05No, but a sophomore at Chesapeake University was attacked two days ago.
25:09Luckily, she was able to get away.
25:11He thought that there might be a connection, so he decided to call me.
25:14Have the police shown her the poster?
25:17No, she had a mental breakdown and she isn't talking.
25:24What exactly is happening?
25:26Hey, Walker, I don't want to be on camera.
25:28What are you...
25:29Damn it!
25:30I gotta go.
25:32Oh, man, I am such a klutz.
25:35Oh, jeez, I left my opposable thumbs on here.
25:38Let me buy you another one.
25:39No, it's okay.
25:40No, really, it's not.
25:41Here, another one of what I just spilled and a raspberry tart.
25:45You don't give a raspberry?
25:48Yeah, sure.
25:55A lot of action, huh?
25:57No, no, no.
25:58Usually just dull stuff.
26:00Old ladies snuggling up with teens.
26:03Well, maybe dull is good.
26:05Whatever you're doing now is stressing you out.
26:08Yeah, that's ironic.
26:10I'm usually the one to read people, but you're right.
26:13I am stressed.
26:14Well, you need to relax.
26:18I'm going to a concert tomorrow night.
26:20Mostly Vivaldi.
26:22You want to come?
26:29No, it doesn't have to be like a date or anything, you know?
26:32I mean, you could meet me there.
26:40No, yeah, I'd really like to go.
26:43Let me give you my number.
26:52Did I mention I know your boss?
26:59She thinks I'm some kind of psycho killer.
27:03Gotta get women alone, attack them.
27:09What do you want?
27:11To make a point.
27:13What point would that be?
27:16If Lightmoon was right about me, you'd already be dead.
27:25So, to be clear, the Lightmoon Group
27:29is putting its hard-won reputation on the line for a UFO sighting?
27:34Now that we have a second eyewitness and physical evidence,
27:38we think that it's time that we got some answers from our government.
27:42Aren't you worried this could become a national security issue?
27:45If the Air Force is telling me the truth
27:48and they didn't pick up an object this size,
27:51then we've already got a huge problem.
27:54Mr. Hickson is telling the truth.
27:57When you know that, why not bet the ranch?
28:01Valerie, I'm going to show you a picture, okay?
28:08Is this the man who attacked you?
28:21That's a yes.
28:23The police interviewed Martin.
28:25You want to take a look at this case file?
28:27Nah, they'd probably let him go with an apology.
28:29Yeah, you got that right.
28:34I thought he was off chasing UFOs.
28:36Yeah, well, the office told me where you were.
28:39That's him.
28:40This guy.
28:42This guy, he just bought me a cup of coffee
28:45and he was going to take me to a concert, but I was...
28:49How did you realize that that was him?
28:53He said he knew Lightman.
28:55He said that if he was really the killer, I'd be dead.
29:00Is that the girl he attacked?
29:02Oh, yeah.
29:03You okay?
29:06Yeah, she'll be fine.
29:09Well, now you're here, make yourself useful,
29:12go in there and bond with Valerie over being alive.
29:22I understand, Valerie.
29:24What happened to you, it almost happened to me too.
29:29Look at me, Valerie.
29:32This guy bumped into me at a pastry shop.
29:36By the time we got outside, he felt like a friend.
29:42That's what he does, he appeals to who we are,
29:46like he sees us when nobody else does.
29:52Look, I know this is painful,
29:55but you're alive, Valerie.
29:58The next girl might not be.
30:06He drowned me.
30:15Over and over.
30:21All that water.
30:25I died.
30:27All that water.
30:31I died.
30:35Three times.
30:40Bastard waterboarded her.
30:43I'm so sorry.
30:56when I would come to,
31:00his mouth would be on mine.
31:05And then he would do it again and again.
31:15I begged him to just let me die.
31:20But he wouldn't.
31:26Maybe he did.
31:35Can you bring him in now?
31:38Hell yeah.
31:48Valerie identified you as her attacker.
31:52I'm sorry for her.
31:54I really am.
31:57But if the police believed her, wouldn't I be under arrest?
32:01You stalked her.
32:03Did Cal coach the girl?
32:05Get her to name Martin?
32:07I know how manipulative he can be.
32:10She was barely responsive.
32:13Mom, have you seen her file?
32:15She spent half her life on antidepressants.
32:21Here's how it really happened. Valerie came on to me.
32:23Well, you should know that we're getting a warrant to search her car.
32:26Now, if we find any evidence that she was in it...
32:29You will. I gave her a lift home one night from the library.
32:32Yeah, but see, the thing is, she never made it home.
32:36You tried to drown her three times,
32:38then you dragged her into the woods and tried to bury her.
32:41That never happened.
32:43Man, she's obviously troubled. Anyone can see that.
32:46That's why you picked her.
32:48She's troubled, she's vulnerable.
32:51You prey on the weak. Right, Martin?
32:55Listen, all I was doing was showing the girl some kindness.
32:58No, she's a perfect victim.
33:00You traumatise her, you break her.
33:03She begs to die.
33:05She's just your type.
33:07That's not true.
33:09I like strong women.
33:11Oh, like Helen, you mean?
33:15She's a stronger woman.
33:17Tell me, how does that work? I mean, with you two?
33:22Do you play the woman in that little scenario, do you?
33:25I mean, who's the pitcher, who's the catcher?
33:27Do you just follow orders?
33:29I mean, you do as she says, is that it?
33:36I wouldn't worry, though.
33:39Oh, I'm sorry.
33:41Did you think what was going on between you two was real?
33:44Did you?
33:46It won't take it from me, it's not.
33:48I mean, I've been there.
33:52No, she's had dozens.
33:54She... she gets bored, she moves on.
33:57Like hell!
34:09I think we're done here.
34:11Aren't we, Martin?
34:14If you say so.
34:25Martin's gone.
34:27He's seen enough.
34:29He never admitted to anything.
34:31What did you expect him to?
34:35Must be frightening.
34:37Fall in for a monster.
34:39OK, so you know.
34:42I figured that's why you had a problem with him,
34:45the fact that he and I were...
34:51Oh, now you know better.
34:53Or you should.
34:57Right, come with me.
34:59Where are we going?
35:00To see another crime.
35:08He tortures...
35:11and kills young girls.
35:16Every girl he tortures or kills
35:19is on your conscience, Mrs Walker.
35:22I only let you in here
35:24because Helen has been a friend to Martin.
35:27Nonsense. You feel guilty
35:29because you got a killer for a son.
35:33How come there's no pictures of your daughter anywhere?
35:39Did he kill her?
35:42Did he push her in the pool?
35:50You can't face the truth, can you?
35:53So you pretend she's dead.
35:56I don't believe you.
35:58You can't face the truth, can you?
36:01So you pretend she doesn't exist.
36:03She never existed. I mean, that's the game here.
36:16I put my trust in Martin, my faith.
36:20I do care about him.
36:23Now I need to know.
36:50Well, that's one hell of a rogues' gallery.
36:53World's greatest con men.
36:56Yeah, more like psychos.
37:00To live with themselves,
37:02to deny their humanity,
37:04that's quite a trick.
37:09You know, if you can
37:12pull off something like that,
37:15it's not really hard to fool the rest of us.
37:21Your friend Loker told me.
37:30I should have seen it.
37:32Ah, kiddo, you probably got him right.
37:35Me too, for that matter.
37:38What do you mean?
37:40Well, I am a crackpot.
37:43It's not all I am,
37:45but it's the truth from time to time.
37:49And in a small enough moment,
37:53even a cold-blooded killer can be
37:58seem charming even.
38:00Now, are we got that way?
38:03Well, I don't think that's a mystery anybody can solve.
38:11It must be hard being somewhere 30 years
38:14and trying to make sense of all this.
38:16What's hard is they confuse growing old with growing stale.
38:21Mr. Hickson.
38:23I'm Colonel Gorman.
38:25You were looking for answers.
38:27I've got some for you.
38:29Is there some place we can talk privately without Big Brother?
38:35Ever heard the term shattered bone?
38:38It's Air Force code for a B-1 bomber
38:42that's hijacked or missing with a nuke on board.
38:45This is what your client witnessed two weeks ago.
38:49That's Captain Eric Neubauer, decorated veteran.
38:52Cracked and broke radio contact.
38:54We shot him down 500 miles off the Carolina coast.
38:58This was not a standard-issue aircraft.
39:02But this does seem like a standard-issue lie.
39:05It might not have looked like it on the ground,
39:08but there's a flash drive with cockpit video in the file.
39:14So what do you want us to do?
39:15You want us to go along with some sort of cover-up?
39:18I wouldn't call it that.
39:21What happened was a tragedy for the pilot's family
39:26and an embarrassment for our base.
39:31Are you nervous, Colonel?
39:35This is a sensitive case.
39:37I told my C.O. that given your relationship with the FBI,
39:41that we could trust you.
39:42I wish the feeling were reciprocal.
39:44The best lies are covered with half-truths.
39:47I have no doubt that you had a pilot who cracked, who was shot down.
39:51Everything in that file happened as described.
40:01You have no idea what was in the sky that night, do you?
40:05That's the best answer you're going to get out of us, Mr. Locher.
40:10If your client's smart, he'll accept it.
40:16Or spineless?
40:25The Air Force is never going to admit to a violation of U.S. airspace.
40:29Not by a Russian MiG or by a UFO.
40:33You and I know that.
40:35But we also know that what Mr. Hickson saw was not a B-1.
40:43So what if there was a way for the Air Force to cover its ass and also save a teacher's job?
40:54Look, Martin, it's over. Let's not make a thing out of this.
40:59Lyman's behind this, isn't he?
41:01No, he isn't.
41:03I don't believe you.
41:07You've been different since that day in class.
41:11He may have started me thinking about us, what we're doing, but that's all.
41:20You said you loved me.
41:22Yes, and I know I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. That wasn't fair.
41:27But I was important to you.
41:28Your work is important to me.
41:32We can still be friends, work together.
41:37We still have that.
41:40Let go of me!
41:43Helen DeZekas.
41:46DeMorn. Yes, DeMorn. One minute.
41:52Okay, Helen.
41:56Look, I understand. Big age difference. I'm sorry.
42:00Well done, love. All the right notes.
42:05What now?
42:07Well, with any luck, he'll come after you with a vengeance.
42:29Oh, my God.
43:00Don't worry, Professor DeZekas. We have eyes on you.
43:14You sound off.
43:16Nice read. Very perceptive.
43:19Yeah, well, I can be from time to time.
43:22Can we talk later?
43:25Yeah, it's a date.
43:27Yeah, it's a date.
43:35I told you, Lyman.
43:38I'm always five moves ahead.
43:56Welcome back, Lyman.
44:01You're ready to die.
44:26You know, if you kill me, right,
44:30they'll do you for murder.
44:33I mean, right now, you could probably plea bargain it down to kidnapping a forced labor or something.
44:40You know what you need, Lyman? You need a gun, but you don't have one, do you?
44:43I got you thinking, though, didn't I, eh?
44:46I mean, it's funny.
44:48Because a minute ago, you were in full control. Now, look at you.
44:54Yeah, after I get done here, I'm going to take care of Helen.
44:58Maybe I'll bury you side by side.
45:02Be romantic.
45:04There's a girl buried around here, then.
45:07How many?
45:08This is boring, Lyman. Keep digging.
45:13I'm sorry I'm stolen.
45:19You do know I've got a GPS tracker on me, right?
45:22Preston, do me for God's sakes.
45:25Don't humiliate yourself.
45:27You do the bloody digging.
45:28Go on.
45:30You do it.
45:38That just means you'll die for real soon.
45:40Yeah, shrink's going to have a field day with you. You know that, don't you?
45:44I mean, what is it with you and water?
45:48Did you... did you push your sister in the pool?
45:53She fell.
45:55You didn't help her, though, did you? You just watched her drown, right?
46:05I wanted her bike.
46:08Drop the gun! Drop it!
46:11Drop the gun!
46:13Drop it!
46:14Pick it up!
46:18Drop it!
46:20Drop it!
46:22Drop it.
46:23It's like you said.
46:25They only have me on unlawful detainment at worst.
46:30She's buried somewhere here. She's probably...
46:33just before the...
46:34There aren't any bodies, Lyman.
46:35When they rolled up, you looked.
46:37You looked towards the trees.
46:39That's where your secret is, right?
46:42Sweep the area.
46:44You owe me 200 bucks!
46:46You bastard!
46:52I'm sorry.
47:05In vino veritas?
47:08That's the only truth I'm going to get, apparently.
47:11I just perpetrated a lie on an entire school.
47:15Well, I thought the F-88 was a good compromise.
47:17I mean, it could have been what he saw.
47:22But it wasn't.
47:26You saved a man's career.
47:28That's no small feat.
47:34What do you think that is?
47:41I don't think that's a mystery anyone can solve.
47:52they dug up four bodies.
47:58I didn't see it, Cal.
48:03Not at first, anyway.
48:06I could have saved you some grief.
48:08That's okay.
48:10I'll take it out of your wages.
48:15You thought I was obsessing on Helen, right?
48:19It's not beyond a realm of possibility.
48:23You loved her, didn't you?
48:26We had our moments.
48:32I mean, it's not like she's Helen of Troy or anything.
48:42If that's your quick bite...
48:44Thanks. I've got work to do.
48:50Okay. Another time, then.
48:52Yeah. Another time.
48:56I'm glad you're okay.
49:00Night, then.
49:13To be continued...
49:43To be continued...