Tarzan aur churail mahal,story,watch,listen and read story,Urdu,Hindi

  • 2 months ago
Tarzan aur churail mahal,story,watch,listen and read story,Urdu,Hindi,
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00:00Tarazan was very happy these days because one of his old friends had come to meet him.
00:13He was a young rabrat who was very playful and funny.
00:22I have heard that there is a jungle very far from your jungle in the southern part of Africa between the mountains.
00:33There is a wild tribe called Shatu in this jungle.
00:38The goddess of this tribe is a woman from a Muslim country who has built a very big and magnificent palace in that jungle.
00:51Just like royal palaces, she lives in this palace from a very large area and the whole tribe worships her like a goddess.
01:04The rabrat addressed Tarazan and said,
01:09Well, it's really very interesting.
01:14Tarazan answered smilingly.
01:18But I have heard something that has surprised me.
01:26The rabrat said seriously,
01:31What is it?
01:33Tarazan asked him seriously,
01:38That she is the goddess of Adam.
01:43The rabrats of this tribe go to the Muslim country in disguise.
01:49And from there, they bring healthy and beautiful young men to this palace, greedy for gold and precious jewels.
02:00The goddess worships this young man for a few days and then marries him.
02:11But when the baby of this goddess is born, she kills both her son and husband and then eats them.
02:25And after that, the new young men of his tribe catch him.
02:31This is how this process goes on.
02:35The rabrat explained in detail and said,
02:40How is it possible that a mother kills her own child and eats it?
02:47If this is the case, then she is not a woman.
02:51She must be a witch.
02:53Tarazan replied in an unbelievable way,
03:00I don't believe it either.
03:03But I have heard that this is true.
03:07And many young men have gone after this woman.
03:12The rabrat replied,
03:15If this is true, then it is extreme cruelty.
03:21Such a woman has no right to live.
03:26Tarazan said angrily,
03:29Why don't you go there and prove it?
03:34And if this is true, then that cruel woman should be punished for it.
03:40Tarazan said,
03:42Oh, what do we need to hug the trouble of Fawmafua?
03:50I have heard that the people of the tribe are straightforward.
03:54However, that woman is cruel.
03:58If we don't go there, that woman will eat us too.
04:04The rabrat said,
04:08Don't talk about cowardice in front of me.
04:12Rabrat, I hate cowards.
04:18Tarazan replied in a very serious tone,
04:24Oh, you are angry.
04:27I was just kidding.
04:30If you are ready, I am willing to support you.
04:37I will come whenever you want.
04:40The rabrat smiled and said,
04:45Whenever you want means,
04:48We will leave for this journey tomorrow morning.
04:53I will arrange my jungle today and guide all the animals and tribes.
05:02Tarazan said,
05:04Okay, I have no objection.
05:08Rabrat replied,
05:12And thus, between the two, the plan to go to Shato tribe was made.
05:20That day, Tarazan spent the day to explain to different animals and to guide the chiefs of the tribe.
05:31Since the monk had gone to his tribe to meet his parents,
05:39so this time he was not going with Tarazan.
05:45However, a little while before the sun rose the next day, Tarazan and Rabrat set out for Shato tribe.
05:56Tarazan was walking because of Rabrat.
06:02Tarazan had a dagger and a spear,
06:06while Rabrat had a gun and a revolver,
06:11and he had a revolver in his pocket and rifle bullets.
06:19How far will this jungle be and how many days will we reach there?
06:26Rabrat asked,
06:29As far as I have received information from different tribes, this jungle is very far from here,
06:39and if we travel continuously, we will reach there in about 15-20 days.
06:49Tarazan replied,
06:52All right, this way I will also get a chance to see the jungle towards Africa.
07:01Rabrat said happily,
07:05Tarazan and Rabrat travel during the day and go to sleep on a strong tree at night.
07:14This way their journey was going very successfully.
07:20This was a very big and spacious room, which was decorated very beautifully.
07:30Inside the room, there was a very beautiful woman sitting on a beautiful throne,
07:38on her head was a crown made of very beautiful and precious stones.
07:46There was a small table in front of the throne,
07:51and there was a beautiful boy and a beautiful young man's head on the table.
07:59That woman was looking at the crown placed on the table with great enthusiasm,
08:05her eyes were shining like someone's favorite in front of her.
08:15If there is anything, if it is the order of the Goddess, then the food should be served.
08:21Suddenly, an old man entered the room and said in a soft tone,
08:30Put these two heads in the cupboard and serve the food.
08:38The woman replied,
08:44And then the old man went ahead and picked up the children lying on the table and the young man's head
08:52and placed them in a cupboard in the room itself.
08:57There were already ten such children and ten young men present there.
09:05After closing the cupboard, the old man clapped loudly
09:11and opened the door of the other room,
09:15and two men entered with big utensils in their hands.
09:21There was human flesh in those big utensils.
09:28This flesh was cooked like regular meat,
09:33the flesh of a child was left in one of those utensils.
09:37While in the other utensil, there was the heart of a young man and a little bit of the flesh of a woman.
09:47The men put those utensils on the table,
09:52and the woman sat on those utensils as if she had been hungry for centuries.
09:58She started eating the flesh with pleasure.
10:05All the men bowed their heads in a respectful manner and stood.
10:10When this woman emptied the utensils,
10:14the men picked up the empty utensils and came out of the room.
10:20The woman wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and then sat down with a big pillow on her head.
10:29O old man, how many more children will I have to eat?
10:35The woman addressed the old man and asked,
10:40Lady, today you have eaten the flesh of your eleven children and eleven husbands.
10:48Now if you eat only the flesh of one more child and one more husband,
10:54then you will remain young and healthy until the Day of Judgment.
11:01And then you will not die.
11:05The old man replied in a very polite tone,
11:11All right, then immediately arrange for a new husband for me.
11:21The woman replied with a smile,
11:25Lady, from today, the full moon will be complete after fifteen days.
11:33And on that day, the men of the tribe will leave for their homeland,
11:38so that a healthy, beautiful and young husband is found for you.
11:48The old man replied,
11:51Now all of you can go.
11:54I want to rest.
11:57The woman said in a polite tone,
12:00and then she pushed herself towards her hut.
12:07At the woman's command, all the men quickly left the room.
12:16Tarzan and Rabrakh continued their journey,
12:20and finally, after thirteen days, they reached near this jungle,
12:25where the Shato tribe and its right-hand lady lived.
12:32This jungle was located in the middle of a very high mountain,
12:37and at that time they had already reached the top of the mountain,
12:42because it was night by the time they reached the top of the mountain.
12:49So they decided to spend the night there on the mountain.
12:56Then they searched for a cave and cleared it,
13:02and then they both went to rest in this cave.
13:08Because they were very tired, they soon fell into a deep sleep.
13:17It was only midnight when suddenly outside the cave,
13:22the sound of human footsteps echoed.
13:26It felt like a lot of people were walking around the cave.
13:36A few moments later, the stone placed at the base of the cave was slowly removed,
13:43and then the four Kabi Haikal Habshi slowly entered the cave.
13:50They had kept torches in their hands.
13:55They saw Rabrakh and Tarzan sleeping in the light of the torches in the cave,
14:03and then there was a bright glow in their eyes.
14:07One of them had picked up a small twig in his other hand.
14:16The twig had large red leaves.
14:20This Habshi picked up the other twig,
14:25and then broke two leaves from this twig,
14:29and then, keeping the twig aside, he rubbed the leaves of the twig in his hand,
14:36and then he put one leaf on Tarzan's nose and the other on Rabrakh's nose.
14:47Tarzan and Rabrakh swore a little, but then,
14:52they did something shameless.
14:57Habshi saw them moving with one hand,
15:03but they had become unconscious due to the effect of these leaves.
15:08Habshi was so pleased with their unconsciousness that he quickly moved back.
15:15Pick up these two and take them to Devi's palace.
15:20I think that this time we will have to look for Devi's new husband.
15:27These two seem to be healthy and young.
15:33Devi will choose one of them as her husband.
15:38This Habshi addressed his companions and said,
15:44And the rest of the Habshis nodded in agreement.
15:48Then two of them bent down, picked up Tarzan and Rabrakh on their shoulders,
15:54and left the cave and went towards the palace.
16:02After entering the palace and passing through different rooms,
16:07they took them to this room.
16:12They went to the place where Devi's throne was present.
16:17After laying them down in front of the throne, they moved back and stood up.
16:25A few moments later, the door opened and Devi entered the room.
16:32Behind her was an old man.
16:35There was a scar on Devi's face.
16:39Her eyes were shining.
16:42She came close to Rabrakh and Tarzan and stood up.
16:47She looked at both of them.
16:52At first, her eyes were fixed on Tarzan.
16:56But then she took a deep breath and looked at Rabrakh.
17:02Then she addressed Shatu and said,
17:08Had it not been for the fact that I would have married a young man from a respected country,
17:18I would have married this young man from the jungle.
17:22But at the last moment, I cannot disobey the condition.
17:29Therefore, this second young man will be my 12th husband.
17:34He should be taken to the room and
17:39he should be served food so that we get married as soon as the moon is complete.
17:47And according to the tradition of the tribe,
17:50this jungle should be dropped from the terrace of the palace after the sun rises in the morning.
17:57I am standing on the terrace.
18:00So that before he falls on the ground, he can lie down on the terrace.
18:06Devi addressed Shatu in a courtesan tone and said,
18:12And the old man shook his head in this matter.
18:17As soon as the old man shook Shatu's head, Devi disappeared from the door.
18:28The door from which she entered the room,
18:32As soon as the Devi left, the old man gave the order to follow the order of the Devi.
18:39And Habshim once again kissed Tarzan and Rabrakh on the shoulder.
18:46When Tarzan opened his eyes, he was surprised to see
18:51that he was tied to a pillar on the highest hill of a very large palace.
18:58And around him, there was Habshi.
19:03Nearby was an old man standing on the edge of the hill.
19:09Where am I and who are you?
19:13Where is my companion?
19:16Tarzan was astonished and asked in a rude manner,
19:22This is the Shatu tribe.
19:25I am the leader of this tribe and you are on the terrace of the palace of the Devi of the Shatu tribe.
19:34As soon as the sun rises, you will be thrown down from this terrace.
19:43Where Habshi will kill you.
19:50As for your companion, Devi has decided to make him her husband.
19:59He is in the captivity of the Devi at that time.
20:02The old Shatu answered everything in detail.
20:09Is it true that your Devi eats her children and husband?
20:17Tarzan asked the old Shatu in a serious tone.
20:23Yes, this is true. Our Devi has eaten the flesh of her eleven children and eleven husbands so far.
20:35And this will be the fate of your companion too.
20:40The old Shatu nodded her head.
20:45Then the witch said,
20:47There is no right to keep such a cruel woman alive.
20:52Tarzan said in a very angry tone,
20:57First you take care of your life, then talk like this.
21:04Our Devi is doing all this to stay alive and young forever.
21:14Shatu said in a very angry tone,
21:18Sardar, the sun has risen.
21:21A Habshi suddenly addressed the old Sardar and said,
21:28Okay, pick it up and throw it down.
21:33The old Shatu ordered and then Tarzan took care of it first.
21:41He quickly opened the sands of his hands and feet and picked it up.
21:49He threw it down.
21:53Tarzan first thought that as soon as he threw it down, he would open his hands and feet.
22:03He would meet him.
22:07But Habshim worked so fast that Tarzan could only pull out his dagger.
22:16And Habshim picked it up and threw it down.
22:20And Tarzan kept falling down.
22:26There were ten or twelve Habshis waiting for him with spears in their hands.
22:35Tarzan fell down and took care of himself.
22:40And then as soon as he reached near those Habshis, he gave a strong shock to his body.
22:51And his body fluttered in the air, passed over those Habshis and their spears and fell far away.
23:01He fell on the ground with his feet, and then as soon as he fell down, he ran a few steps fast.
23:11That's why he didn't get hurt despite falling so high.
23:19When Habshim saw his attack being won, he ran after Tarzan with his spears fluttering.
23:30Tarzan saw the big door of the palace as soon as he fell down, so he ran fast.
23:41As soon as he entered the door of the palace, Habshim was also behind him.
23:50The guards in the palace were also behind Tarzan.
23:56And Tarzan was thinking that somehow he could escape from their sight for a few moments.
24:04So he made a plan and attacked them.
24:09But right now he was thinking that suddenly a door opened near him and a very beautiful woman came out.
24:26What kind of noise is this? The woman screamed and said.
24:32Seeing her, the Habshis running towards Tarzan stopped.
24:41He was very polite, and Tarzan understood that she was the witch.
24:48So he moved his arm very quickly, and she touched his chest,
24:59and Tarzan put the dagger in his other hand on his neck.
25:06Beware! Do as I say, or I will cut your throat right now.
25:14Tarzan said angrily.
25:20Mom, don't kill me. I will do as you say.
25:26The woman began to tremble with fear of death.
25:30Call my companion.
25:33Tarzan said, and the woman ordered Habshim to bring Rabrat.
25:41A few moments later, Rabrat arrived there.
25:46Tell him to get out of the way, we will go out and listen.
25:53If anyone does any mischief, I will cut your throat in a moment.
26:02Tarzan said in a very harsh tone, and then, before the woman could say anything, the Habshis moved aside.
26:12Tarzan dragged the woman out of the palace with Rabrat.
26:20The Habshis were following them.
26:25Tell them to stop here.
26:28Don't follow us, or else, Tarzan said again and
26:35the woman ordered Habshim to stop there.
26:41After passing through the forest with Tarzan and Rabrat,
26:46Habshi Devi continued to walk on the top of the hill.
26:51As per the order, they stayed there.
26:56Tell me, did you kill your children and husbands at your own will,
27:04or were you forced to do so?
27:08Reaching the top of the hill, Tarzan grabbed the woman by the arm and asked,
27:16I do all this at my own will,
27:21because I always want to be alive and young,
27:26this is what the woman said, and then,
27:32with a snap of his fingers, he raised his arm,
27:37and ran towards the forest below the hill.
27:42But before she could go any further,
27:47the forest erupted with an explosion,
27:50Rabrat took out a revolver and fired at the woman.
27:57A painful scream came out of the woman's throat,
28:01and then her body began to fall down with a rumbling sound.
28:08She should not be alive.
28:11She was really a witch, Rabrat said in a hateful tone,
28:17and Tarzan smiled.
28:20He had deliberately given Rabrat this opportunity,
28:25because he did not want to hurt any woman.
28:30As soon as this woman died, they both turned and quickly
28:35went down the other side of the hill.
28:40They wanted to get away from this forest as soon as possible,
28:46so that the wild animals could not follow them.
28:50But they were happy that they had killed a witch
28:56who used to eat her own children.
29:00The End
