• 3 years ago
平凡小镇流传千年古墓传说,墓中不仅珍宝无数,还藏有可治百病的秘药,然众多摸金人探寻都不知去处,无人归来。摸金校尉后人曹顺(王珞嘉 饰)赶鸭子上架误打误撞跌入古墓。这个墓有点东西,这么大的镇墓神兽是真的存在的吗?

Ordinary town spread the legend of millennium tomb, tomb not only treasure countless, but also in possession of the secret medicine can cure all kinds of diseases, but many touch gold people to explore do not know where, no return. Touch gold school captain descendants Cao Shun (Wang Luojia act the role ofing) drive duck shelves accidentally hit accidentally bump into the tomb. There's something in this tomb. Is this big tomb guarding beast real?
