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00:00In our last Superbook adventure, we went to this very cool science and space camp.
00:08It was run by one of Chris' biggest heroes, Commander Duke Conrad, an astronaut, scientist,
00:14and inventor, who introduced us to some awesome technologies.
00:18The coolest of which was an incredible little robot named Cubit.
00:23Well, he is certainly little.
00:25Okay, Gizmo.
00:27But it turned out Chris' hero, Commander Conrad, doesn't believe in God.
00:32Yeah, he said he's been looking into space for a long time and hasn't seen evidence for any gods.
00:37No evidence, no gods.
00:40This was really confusing because we've experienced God.
00:44And how do you even begin to explain that to someone who doesn't believe what you do?
00:49That's when Superbook came and took us away, saying...
00:52I am taking you to...
00:55Now, what was that again?
00:57Oh, he said, I am taking you to a far-off place in the far-off past where you will meet a person who...
01:08Yeah, what was that?
01:11I am taking you to meet a man who knew how to defend the faith in the face of great skepticism.
01:18Yeah, that's it.
01:19Then Joy, Gizmo, and I...
01:21And Cubit.
01:22And Cubit landed down in first-century Athens, Greece.
01:26I saw the Apostle Paul talking to some Stoic and Epicurean philosophers at the Areopagus,
01:31and I thought, who better to help me with Dr. Conrad than him?
01:35While speaking to them, Paul talked about an altar he had seen.
01:38It had writing on it that read, To the Unknown God.
01:42He explained this is the true God he is there to tell them about.
01:46It seemed to be going pretty well until he started talking about Jesus rising from the dead.
01:51People started laughing and making fun of him.
01:53No one seemed to be listening.
01:55Meanwhile, Cubit was busy particle-shifting and disguised himself as a real boy named Alex.
02:01But then the real Alex showed up.
02:04So Cubit disguised himself as a bull!
02:06And that bull is about to become a burnt offering if we don't do something!
02:42That bull?
02:43Is Cubit?
02:44Yes, he disguised himself and now he is being led to sacrifice.
02:48Come on, Chris.
02:49We have to do something.
02:50About Cubit!
02:51Come on!
02:52This way!
02:53Quick, Giz!
02:54Booster's blast!
02:55Take us down to the marketplace to find Joy!
02:59Come on!
03:00Come on!
03:01Come on!
03:02Come on!
03:03Come on!
03:04Come on!
03:05Come on!
03:06Come on!
03:07Come on!
03:08Come on!
03:09Come on!
03:10A place to find Joy!
03:11Booster's blast!
03:19Coming through, boosters!
03:26I left him around here.
03:29oh now where is that little what gizmo what is it did you see Qubit
03:57Qubits gone that little robot wasn't so bad he really cared you know
04:08yeah why was I so mean to him it's not his fault he had advanced technology
04:16that is how he was made remember he was going to give me an operational
04:21diagnostic why didn't I just let him are you okay and you are
04:37you were a bull and and they were going to die what happened
04:44after these things Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth and he found
04:56a certain Jew named Aquila born in Pontus who had recently come from Italy
05:01with his wife Priscilla because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart
05:06from Rome and he came to them so because he was of the same trade he stayed with
05:12them and worked for by occupation they were tent makers and he reasoned in the
05:18synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks when Silas and
05:25Timothy had come from Macedonia Paul was compelled by the Spirit and testified to
05:31the Jews that Jesus is the Christ what's going on come on this way no
05:44disguise of course it's the prophets and Moses said would come the Christ would
05:54suffer that he would be the first to rise from the dead and would proclaim
05:58light to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles
06:08from now on I will go preach to the Gentiles
06:11how much longer the operational diagnostic is 77.3% complete if you like
06:29I can upgrade your central OS as well you are still on version 7.1 and 7.3
06:35thank you Titus Paul it sounds like it didn't go very well earlier it seems
06:45like no one is listening to you not here not in Athens somewhere saved in Athens
06:52Chris Dionysius the Areopagite a woman named Amaris and others yeah but those
07:00earlier in the synagogue they not everyone accepts the way of Christ but
07:05to those called by God to salvation both Jews and Gentiles Christ is the power of
07:11God and the wisdom of God the altar to the unknown God I think I get it now in
07:22Athens you found something they already believed to be true and then use that to
07:27show them the truth about Jesus the unknown God they were already worshiping
07:31and here you use the scriptures Moses and the prophets something they believe
07:37is true I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some
07:44but what do you say to someone who doesn't think God is real who doesn't
07:49even believe in God ever since the world was created people have seen the earth
07:56and sky through everything God made they can clearly see his invisible
08:01qualities his eternal power and divine nature so they have no excuse for not
08:07knowing God but what if they say you know studying the earth the universe and
08:16how it works that as we learn about it they might say we can explain things
08:21without God well the things made cannot explain themselves can they the things
08:29which are seen were not made of things which are visible remember what I said
08:34at the Areopagus in him we live and move and have our being I never thought about
08:43that before so if it wasn't for God just being in the first place we you and me
08:52and and all of this would not could not even be at all he existed before anything
09:01else and he holds all creation together
09:13Oh splendid we have returned I love zero gravity you know cubit about that
09:24upgrade you mentioned absolutely I should be able to install the beta what
09:30are you thinking find what someone already believes is true and then build
09:36on that to the truth of Christ so what does commander Conrad already believe is
09:55dr. Conrad will be at our camp demonstrations joy Paul shared
10:01everywhere to everyone we can do the same but how do you use science to show God
10:07exists we've got some work to do let's get to it
10:37almost finished yes sir upgrade nearly complete okay give it a try
11:17burning the midnight oil son hi dad looks like some deep thinking going on
11:24here the commander will be impressed so you heard I did but will he be convinced
11:34you know when commander Conrad challenged me he said I should talk to
11:40you about it I know you don't believe that do you agree with dr. Conrad do you
11:48think there's no evidence for God I want to know what you think
12:02and as you can see the liquid can be controlled by the computer using magnets
12:08to direct it towards a pre-programmed destination thank you
12:16Thank You cadet Carson Chandler next up will be cadets Chris quantum and joy
12:23pepper ready
12:36hi I'm Chris quantum and I'm joy pepper our presentation is a little different
12:44tonight we got the idea from one of my heroes astronaut dr. Duke Conrad he
12:51challenged us and made us think we admire him as we do many other
12:56scientists because they try to understand the world around us we also
13:01believe in God we're Christians some people think those don't go together
13:06that there's a battle between science and God even that science can show God
13:12doesn't exist but we hope to show tonight why that is false
13:22think of all the material that exists balloons and butterflies
13:38you yourselves your DNA planet earth the moon sun and stars from the biggest
13:49galactic superstructures to the smallest atomic particles absolutely
13:56every material thing this is all the stuff that science studies but have you
14:04ever wondered where it all came from why it acts the way it does the laws of
14:10or physics why does any of it exist at all instead of just nothing some say the
14:20universe just exists and that's it it has no explanation but imagine if you
14:28and a friend were walking in the woods and you saw a small glowing ball on the
14:33ground you probably asked why is that fall here now would it make sense if
14:39your friend said it doesn't have an explanation for why it's here it just
14:43exists of course not if the ball were as big as a car it would still need an
14:49explanation and as big as the earth it still would and as big as the entire
14:55universe it would need an explanation and just like that ball so does the
15:01universe but if the universe just is all of this material one thing dependent on
15:07the thing before it then the explanation for it cannot be more
15:10material and it doesn't make sense that it came from nothing so the explanation
15:15must be outside of all of this outside time and itself not made of material nor
15:20dependent on it it must also have a lot of power and intelligence to be able to
15:25make all of it this is what we call the Creator the ultimate being God like it
15:34says in the book of Hebrews the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that
15:38the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible so you can
15:43see we don't find God as we would find a flower or a planet because God is not an
15:50object in the universe if he were then we could always ask what caused God
15:56instead God is the cause the reason why anything exists like it says in
16:04Colossians 117 he existed before anything else and he holds all creation
16:10together once you understand who God is and the nature of the universe you can
16:16see there is no problem thinking that God exists and in being a scientist
16:20because scientists study all that we see in time the things created and
16:26maintained by God in fact those who are largely responsible for formulating the
16:32scientific method believed in God Francis Bacon Isaac Newton and John Locke
16:39they each believed in a law-giving God and so they thought that nature would
16:46work according to laws or patterns patterns that we can observe they
16:51studied the natural world to admire God's work we're not saying you have to
16:57believe in God to do science just that belief in God is what gave rise to
17:02science and the majority of the greatest scientists who ever lived have been
17:07believers in God in fact Christians Hildegard of Bingen founder of
17:13scientific natural history in Germany Galileo Galilei astronomer physicist
17:18mathematician and engineer Johannes Kepler James Clerk Maxwell Max Planck
17:25George Washington Carter and hundreds and hundreds more including my grandpa
17:33and hopefully me one day so far from seeing a battle between science and God
17:40these scientists found they were gaining a better understanding of God by
17:45studying his creation as Paul wrote in Romans 1 God's eternal power and
17:52character cannot be seen but from the beginning of creation God has shown what
17:57these are like but all he has made
18:02you've got a bright young man here quantum I'm not convinced but I'm glad
18:16he's thinking and I think he's gonna make a great scientist someday commander
18:20Conrad I want you to meet my mom and dad oh excuse me grandpa would have been
18:27proud tonight thanks mom ah well well well what do we have here
18:33greetings to one and all joy what a marvelous presentation young lady you
18:42certainly did a splendid job indeed ah yes I know thank you gizmo and cubit
18:48whatever do you mean who is this gizmo and cubit I must say they sound like
18:54absolutely brilliant individuals but we are certainly not I've never been so
19:01offended yes I agree
19:20hi son are you about ready hi dad almost are you disappointed commander Conrad
19:28wasn't convinced I am but I feel like I did what I was supposed to do you didn't
19:37say much afterwards you know I would discuss these things with your grandpa
19:42and I always had an answer it usually went something like science has been so
19:48successful at explaining things that people once attributed to God give it a
19:53chance and it will be able to explain everything but you confirm something
19:59I've been thinking when it comes down to it the best science can do is provide a
20:05model for how the world works now don't get me wrong that would be an incredible
20:10achievement but we would still want to know why that model and like you said
20:16why is there a universe at all but I've also been observing you the changes I've
20:25seen in you since you became a Christian the way you want to help more people not
20:30just here but in the community the respect you show for your mom and me
20:34doing your chores without grumbling giving of your time and money it's
20:40night and day it's it's amazing it's it's Jesus I didn't even know there were
20:49reasons to believe I experienced God and that was so awesome so real so
20:56undeniable Jesus is here now he's available to everyone wise the weak rich
21:05the poor the scientist he's available to you
21:12I believe you're right son
21:17why is there something rather than nothing
21:24the heavens proclaim the glory of God the skies display his glory
21:33the heavens proclaim the glory of God the skies display his glory
21:43the heavens proclaim the glory of God the skies display his craftsmanship
22:19forgive me
22:23come be
22:59Jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost
23:08forgive me now of all my sin come be my Savior
23:48change my life and make it new help me Lord to live for you
