• 6 years ago
In some versions of William Branham's Stage Persona, Branham spoke strongly against participating in Christmas celebration by exchanging presents. According to Branham, participating in Christmas was "pagan ceremony", and not a Christian celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ. In some instances, Branham claimed that "dirty pictures" (pornography), and "Rock and roll books" were a result of Christians' participation in a Christmas gift exchange. As a result, many members of his cult following do not participate in Christmas, and many cult leaders forbid this practice.

In a few weeks, or even right now, there’s reindeers and Santa Clauses and—and jingle bells and all kinds of things hanging up, which is pagan ceremony. It’s an article of the Catholic church. People paying great prices and swapping presents and things like that, pagan! Christmas is a day of worship. And by the way, Christ wasn’t born on the twenty-fifth day of December either. He couldn’t have been. If you’d ever been in Judaea, the hills are full of snow, worse than it is here. Born in April when all nature comes forth. Now, but it’s their tradition. And why—why do we do those things? Because we follow the traditions of men instead of the commandments of God. Them…Something like that wouldn’t matter, but they just make a commercial day out of it. It’s a disgrace, a shame for them to do such things as that. A pagan ceremony! When did Santa Claus have anything to do with Jesus? When did the Easter rabbit or a chicken or…colored up with some kind of ink or something, or some kind of little white rabbit have anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Don’t you see how the commercial world…? That’s the reason they sell these ol’ rock-and-roll books, and dirty pictures, and vulgar, and things like that, is because the nature of the people crave for such nonsense. It’s because there’s something wrong in the heart, they’ve never entered into that Rest with God and ceased from these things. When they come into that and receive the Holy Ghost, then they’re finished with the world and the things of the world.
Branham, William. 1960, Dec 4. The Patmos Vision

Away from stage, however, William Branham and his family both exchanged gifts and received gifts from their friends and members of his cult following. In 1959, Branham received a gift including video equipment, but the equipment was never used to record his sermons or "supernatural" experiences.
I received some mighty fine Christmas presents, a movie camera, and many other things, guns and things, that people love me, they give me. How I appreciate that!
Branham, William. 1959, Dec 27. A Super Sign

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