The Living Christ series (1951) - Chapter 02 - Escape to Egypt

  • 6 years ago
The Living Christ series (1951) - Chapter 01- Holy Night

The Living Christ Series is a 1951 12-part drama television series about the life of Jesus Christ directed by John T. Coyle.

Plot - The flight into Egypt is a biblical event described in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13–23). Soon after the visit by the Magi, who had learned that King Herod intended to kill the infants of that area, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to tell him to flee to Egypt with Mary and infant son Jesus.

When the Magi come in search of Jesus, they go to Herod the Great in Jerusalem and ask where to find the newborn "King of the Jews". Herod becomes paranoid that the child will threaten his throne, and seeks to kill him (2:1–8). Herod initiates the Massacre of the Innocents in hopes of killing the child (Matthew 2:16–Matthew 2:18). But an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and warns him to take Jesus and his mother into Egypt (Matthew 2:13).


